

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/14)

2022年10月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
29421.back and forth (行ったり来たりして、前後に )going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times
Mary rocked  back and forth in the chair, putting her baby to sleep. 
29422.delicacy (ごちそう、珍味)something good to eat that is expensive or rare
Zunda-mochi is a famous Sendai delicacy made of edamame. 
29423.evaluation(人事評価)a judgment about how good, useful, or successful something is 類義語 assessment 
I have a question about my evaluation
29424.demote (降格させる、格下げする)to make someone’s rank or position lower or less important OPP promote
After several negative evaluations, Jason finally got demoted
29425.break up (粉砕する、解体する、(…を)(…に)分解する、(…を)分配する、(…を)追い散らす、解散させる、中止する、間を裂く、別れさせる、解消する 途切れる )
The video is breaking up