

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/28)

2022年10月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
29486.Average Joe / Plain Jane  (ごく普通の人(男性) / 平凡な女性 )
She’s just a plain Jane. There’s nothing special about her. 
29487.blank  (空白、白紙、空欄  )without any writing, print, or recorded sound
My mind went blank, and I blew the interview. 
29488.margin  (余白  ) the empty space at the side of a page 
Can you add a one-inch margin
29489.In my eyes  (私にしてみれば / 私としては / 私からすると  )
In her eyes, Peter is the most qualified candidate for the job. 
29490.on the side  (副業で )used to say that someone does work in addition to their regular job
Yeah, many of them tutor middle school and high school students on the side