

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/17)

2022年10月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
29435.accidentally (思わず・間違えて )used to talk about someone or something without mentioning their name
I’m running about 15 minutes late. I accidentally got on the wrong train. 
29436.horror stories  (悲惨な体験談 )
Most of my trips were great but I do have a few horror stories
29437.hit or miss (いちかばちか )done in a way that is not planned or organized → random 
Many restaurants in L.A. are a hit or miss. Some places are amazing but others are horrible 
29438.I'm between jobs.  (失業中 )
I'm between jobs right now. I actually have a job interview tomorrow. 
29439.entry level position   (新入社員 )
If you're interested, our company is offering an entry level position right now.