八神純子 -「みずいろの雨」 『TERRA - here we will stay』ニューアルバム絶賛発売中!!
29446. (be) in seventh heaven (幸福の絶頂(にいる) )informal to be extremely happy
This was hands down the best bowl of ramen I've ever had. I'm in seventh heaven.
29447.be on social media (snsをやっている)
Actually, my grandmother is on social media.
29448.keep in touch if two people keep in close contact, they see, talk to, or write to each other often
This was hands down the best bowl of ramen I've ever had. I'm in seventh heaven.
29447.be on social media (snsをやっている)
Actually, my grandmother is on social media.
29448.keep in touch if two people keep in close contact, they see, talk to, or write to each other often
I keep in touch with my family on social media.
29449.photogenic (写真映えする)always looking attractive in photographs
The building, photogenic but antiquated, stood among clusters of oak and pine.
29450.backlit (逆光)
It's a backlit, so would you close those curtains?
The building, photogenic but antiquated, stood among clusters of oak and pine.
29450.backlit (逆光)
It's a backlit, so would you close those curtains?