29456.drop hints (ヒントを出す、ほのめかす)to suggest or ask for something in an indirect way, hoping that the person you are talking to will understand what you mean
Though she isn't saying she is't interested, she has dropped so many hints.
29457.thorough (徹底的な、詳細な )
A good business plan requires a thorough market analysis.
29458.subdue(征服する、鎮圧する、抑える、抑制する )to defeat or control a person or group, especially using force
It took firefighters weeks to subdue the forest fire.
29459.substantial (しかっかりした、かなりの量の ) large in amount or number 類義語 considerable OPP insubstantial
I always eat a substantial breakfast before a race.
29460.subscribe (購読する、登録する)to pay money, usually once a year, to have copies of a newspaper or magazine sent to you, or to have some other service
Thanks for subscribing too my channel.