30421.come along (進む )to be developing or making progress 類義語 progress
How is your homework coming along.
30422.Did you have any trouble ~ing(~するのに苦労しましたか )
How is your homework coming along.
30422.Did you have any trouble ~ing(~するのに苦労しましたか )
Did you have any trouble getting a seat for the presentation?.
30423.finally get to(とうとう~する )
I’m so pleased to finally get to meet you..
304249.It comes down to (決め手になるのは~だ)
It comes down to how contingency plans work.
30425.go-to (有力な ) the go-to person is someone who people always ask for help with a particular problem, because of their great skill or knowledge
He's the go-to guy for questions about spreadsheets.
It comes down to how contingency plans work.
30425.go-to (有力な ) the go-to person is someone who people always ask for help with a particular problem, because of their great skill or knowledge
He's the go-to guy for questions about spreadsheets.