

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/07)

2023年05月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
30436.sometime soon(そのうちすぐ / 近いうちに  )thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
We should get together sometime soon!  
30437.eventually (いつかは / そのうち  )after a long time, or after a lot of things have happened 
No, but I should be able to find someone eventually. 
30438.due date  (予定日 )the date on which something is supposed to happen 
My first was born 3 weeks before her due date, so we’ll see what happens this time.
30439.morning sickness (つわり )a feeling of sickness that some women have during the morning when they are pregnant, usually in the early months 
I've been suffering from bad morning sickness the last few weeks. 
30440.baby bump  ((妊娠により)膨らんだお腹 )
She's already four months pregnant but she doesn't have a baby bump yet.