Before we go, let's enjoy a soothing scene of goats munching away on weeds in the Japanese countryside.
An agricultural firm in Minokamo City, central Japan, keeps a team of 15 goats to help clear overgrown grounds in the city.
It started using the ruminants 12 years ago as a cheaper alternative to burning unwanted weeds.
It says it's also a good way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
This day, the goats are grazing on knee-high grasses on the slope of an industrial park.
(Watanabe Shoji / Farming firm representative)
“It's relaxing to watch the animals grazing, and it's also good for landscaping.”
The owner says the goats will remain “on duty” about three days a week until winter comes.
◆soothing 心地よい、癒やしの to make someone feel calmer and less anxious, upset, or angry
◆munch むしゃむしゃ食べる、もぐもぐ食べる to eat something noisily
◆ruminant 反芻動物 an animal such as a cow that has several stomachs and eats grass
◆grazing 牧草を食べる if an animal grazes, or if you graze it, it eats grass that is growing