

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/15)

2023年05月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
30476.food poisoning(食中毒 )a stomach illness caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria, so that you vomit 
I think I got food poisoning
30477.creepy (むずむずする、身の毛のよだつような、はい回る、のろのろ動く )making you feel nervous and slightly frightened 
The house looked OK from the outside but inside it was all dark and creepy .
30478.haunted(幽霊の出る、取りつかれた(ような)、何か気になっているような、悩んでいる )a haunted building is believed to be visited regularly by the soul of a dead person 
I heard that house is haunted
30479.take over (引き継ぐ)to take control of something 
Yeah. Lisa is quitting work next week, and I’m taking over some of her work. 
30480.hand over (~に引き継ぐ ) to give something to someone with your hand, especially because they have asked for it or should have it 
No. I handed over some of my work to Anna, who just joined our team. So, I don’t have work so late anymore!