


2023年05月10日 | 爺英語

More restaurant chains in Japan are taking egg items off their menus as a bird flu outbreak pushes up prices.
Shortages of eggs have begun to widen, as a record number of chickens have been culled for the disease this season.
The Gusto casual restaurant chain temporarily stopped serving omelets last week.
Coffee chain operator Komeda said last week it may not be able to offer some dishes, including egg salad sandwiches, at some outlets.
The hamburger steak restaurant chain Bikkuri-Donkey suspended fried egg and toast and some other items at 60 outlets in late March.
The Yoshinoya beef bowl chain has given up a plan to serve a chicken-and-egg bowl as a limited-time menu and is serving a grilled chicken bowl instead.
Credit research firm Teikoku Databank says at least 28 out of 100 listed restaurant chains in Japan have taken egg dishes off their menus as of April 5. The number was up by 10 from a month earlier.

cull  to kill animals so that there are not too many of them, or so that a disease does not spread 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/10)

2023年05月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
30451.drop off (置いていく / 持っていく / (乗物から)降ろす / 車で送る  )
Can you drop me off at the airport?
30452.I bet (きっと〜・〜に間違いない・〜に違いない )
I bet it's going to rain today. 
30453.I'm positive (絶対に〜・必ず〜 )
I'm absolutely positive you'll find a job 
30454.I suppose(多分〜だと思う )the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside 
I suppose everything is going to be all right. 
30455.It's across from (~の向かいです  )
Make a right here and it's across from Mister Donuts.