恋人よ 五輪真弓
30456.think nothing of (何とも思わない / ~しても平気 / 物ともしない )
Think nothing of it. Just let me know if you need help again.
30457.live by one's own values(自分(自身)の価値観に従って生きる )
Think nothing of it. Just let me know if you need help again.
30457.live by one's own values(自分(自身)の価値観に従って生きる )
He doesn't care at all what people think about him. He lives by his own values.
30458.get/become big-headed (天狗になる / 自惚れる / 調子に乗る )someone who is big-headed thinks they are very important, clever etc – used to show disapproval OPP modest►
She got big-headed since she got the promotion.
30459.full of oneself (自惚れている / 自己中心的 )the negative part or disadvantage of something OPP upside
Jason doesn't get along with others because he is so full of himself.
30460.swagger (自信に満ち溢れている )to walk proudly, swinging your shoulders in a way that shows you are very confident – used to show disapproval
She has a swagger about her that everyone looks up to.
Jason doesn't get along with others because he is so full of himself.
30460.swagger (自信に満ち溢れている )to walk proudly, swinging your shoulders in a way that shows you are very confident – used to show disapproval
She has a swagger about her that everyone looks up to.