


2023年05月17日 | 爺英語

Germany ended its use of nuclear power by shutting down its last three power stations on Saturday.
Former Chancellor Angela Merkel adopted a nuclear phase-out policy following the 2011 accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
The government initially planned to shut down all the plants by December of last year.
But it delayed the move after Russia cut natural gas supplies to Germany following its invasion of Ukraine.
Members of civic groups gathered near one of the final three plants in southern Germany to mark the end of the country's nuclear policy.
They rejoiced and called for a swift change to renewable energy.
But some people are still urging the government to use nuclear power.
A recent opinion poll shows that 59 percent of the people in Germany are opposed to the abolition of nuclear power plants, while 34 percent supported it.

abolition 廃止、全廃  when a law or a system is officially ended 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/17)

2023年05月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
30486.the high(最高気温 )
The high will be twenty degree today.  
30487.crisp(パリパリする、新鮮な、バリバリ音がする、できたての、身の引き締まる、さわやかな、すがすがしい )
The air is so crisp in Sweden!
30488.leave no stone unturned (できることはすべてやる、あらゆる可能性を検討する)to do everything you can in order to find something or to solve a problem 
We must leave no stone unturned to keep the business running.
30489.pompous (もったいぶった、尊大な、気取った、大げさな )someone who is pompous thinks that they are important, and shows this by being very formal and using long words – used to show disapproval 
It can makes us seem pompous, less relatable.
30490.stuck up(お高くとまった、高慢な)proud and unfriendly because you think you are better and more important than other people – used to show disapproval 類義語 snooty 
I don’t think we come across as stuck up