

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/14)

2023年05月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
30471.dress up    (正装する、お洒落する、恰好をする )thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
My daughter dressed up as a princess. 
30472.dress to impress (オシャレに着飾る )
Don’t wear that. You’re going on a date. Dress to impress! 
30473.reek of  (悪臭を放つ / ~の臭いがする )to have a strong bad smell 類義語 stink 
He's just hungover. He went overboard last night. He reeks of alcohol. 
30474.attention to detail (細心の注意 )
I was impressed by their hospitality and attention to detail. 
30475.stick in one’s mind(忘れられない  )
For some reason, bad words always stick in my mind