

Daily Vocabulary(2021/05/05)

2021年05月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
26801.bond(絆)A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them.
Stephanie and I have an unbreakable bond.
26802.tight(親密な)If you hold someone or something tight, you hold them firmly and securely.
Sam and I are tight. We hang over every weekend.
26803.journal(日記)A journal is an account which you write of your daily activities.
My journal is full of ideas for new stories.
I take to reread the diary entry for the day I had my daughter.
27805.curator(学芸員)A curator is someone who is in charge of the objects or works of art in a museum or art gallery.
Let's ask the curator about this oil painting.

