I think the only solution, Tom, is to speak matter-of-factly with the girl at a time when her boyfriend isn't visiting.
4142.the top of the heap(頂上)
In thr struggle for survival,very few companies make it to the top of the heap.
4143.put across(~を効果的に伝える、~を力強く表現する)
He doesn't know how to put his suggestions across very clearly.
4144.pecking order(序列、上下関係)
It's because of the pecking order that I have to reprimand you.
They couldn't move the immense rock.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I think the only solution, Tom, is to speak matter-of-factly with the girl at a time when her boyfriend isn't visiting.
4142.the top of the heap(頂上)
In thr struggle for survival,very few companies make it to the top of the heap.
4143.put across(~を効果的に伝える、~を力強く表現する)
He doesn't know how to put his suggestions across very clearly.
4144.pecking order(序列、上下関係)
It's because of the pecking order that I have to reprimand you.
They couldn't move the immense rock.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News