仲弓(ちゅうきゅう)、季氏(きし)の宰(さい)と為(な)りて、政(まつりごと)を問う。子曰わく、有司(ゆうし)を先にし、小過(しょうか)を赦(ゆる)し、賢才(けんさい)を挙げよ。曰わく、焉(いず)くんぞ賢才を知りてこれを挙げん。曰わく、爾(なんじ)の知る所を挙げよ。爾の知らざる所、人其れ 諸(こ)れを舎(す)てんや。
When Zhong Gong became the magistrate of a city of Ji family, he asked about politics. Confucius replied, "You should manage your subordinate at first. Forgive their minor mistakes and appoint competent people." Zhong Gong asked, "How can I find them?" Confucius replied, "At first, pick out from your acquaintances. And they will recommend competent people to you."
全20編(学而第一~堯曰第二十) 構成され、編の名称は各編の最初の二文字を採ったものであり内容上の意味はない。
16986.back on a growth track(成長軌道に載って)
Now the economy is back on a growth track.
16987.make an all-out effort to(~するために全力を尽くす)
We're making an all-out effort to attract top-notch talent.
Businesses and headhunters are focusing on what are know as passive candidate.
16989.rack up(得点、利益などをあげる)
Those are people who have solid, stable positions and have rack up an impressive performance.
We're offering sigh-on bonus to entice high performers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Now the economy is back on a growth track.
16987.make an all-out effort to(~するために全力を尽くす)
We're making an all-out effort to attract top-notch talent.
Businesses and headhunters are focusing on what are know as passive candidate.
16989.rack up(得点、利益などをあげる)
Those are people who have solid, stable positions and have rack up an impressive performance.
We're offering sigh-on bonus to entice high performers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

16981.health conscious(健康志向)
Health conscious road warriors don't see why they should have to turn into junk-food junkies.
16982.be sick and tired(~にウンザリしている)
I am sick and tired of getting on the scale after yet another business trip.
16983.things are looking up(好転している)
Things are apparently looking up for job seekers.
Competition amng companies to attract talented has become much more intense.
16985.skill set(技能の一揃い)
It's a seller's market for people with the right skills set.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Health conscious road warriors don't see why they should have to turn into junk-food junkies.
16982.be sick and tired(~にウンザリしている)
I am sick and tired of getting on the scale after yet another business trip.
16983.things are looking up(好転している)
Things are apparently looking up for job seekers.
Competition amng companies to attract talented has become much more intense.
16985.skill set(技能の一揃い)
It's a seller's market for people with the right skills set.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

16976.small potatoes(取るに足らないもの、人)
He is just small potatoes.
Peple with great gifts are easy to find, but symmetrical and balanced ones never.
16978.sweep the country(国中を席巻する)
The farm-to- table movement is sweeping the country.
16979.go for(~を選ぶ、~を好む)
Travelers are going for this in a big way.
16980.have had it up to here with(~にうんざりしている)
They have had it up to here with stodgy, unhealthy road food.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

He is just small potatoes.
Peple with great gifts are easy to find, but symmetrical and balanced ones never.
16978.sweep the country(国中を席巻する)
The farm-to- table movement is sweeping the country.
16979.go for(~を選ぶ、~を好む)
Travelers are going for this in a big way.
16980.have had it up to here with(~にうんざりしている)
They have had it up to here with stodgy, unhealthy road food.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

![]() | なぜ妻は、夫のやることなすこと気に食わないのか エイリアン妻と共生するための15の戦略 (幻冬舎新書) |
クリエーター情報なし | |
幻冬舎 |
16971.place a premium on(~を重視する)
It's a movement in which people place a premium on producing and consulting food locally.
16972.become frustrated with(~に不満を持つようになる)
More and more people became frustrated with the lack of fresh ingredient.
16973.be fed up with(~にあきあきする)
They are fed up with the flavor.
16974.get the picture(状況を把握する)
I got the picture the coach and players.
16975.take root(根づく、定着する)
Farm-to-table living seems to be taking root around the country.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It's a movement in which people place a premium on producing and consulting food locally.
16972.become frustrated with(~に不満を持つようになる)
More and more people became frustrated with the lack of fresh ingredient.
16973.be fed up with(~にあきあきする)
They are fed up with the flavor.
16974.get the picture(状況を把握する)
I got the picture the coach and players.
16975.take root(根づく、定着する)
Farm-to-table living seems to be taking root around the country.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

16966.training and development(研修)
It's getting difficult to allocate enough time for my duties in training and development.
My boss tend to micromanage.
We want someone with a strong market background.
It's midday the coach and players.
16970.magnet for(~を引きつける)
It's a magnet for hardcore foodies.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

It's getting difficult to allocate enough time for my duties in training and development.
My boss tend to micromanage.
We want someone with a strong market background.
It's midday the coach and players.
16970.magnet for(~を引きつける)
It's a magnet for hardcore foodies.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Next tonight, to a type of crime spree that hits when families take vacation. You're about to see video of the man stealing thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, according to authorities. ABC's Kayna Whitworth, with a warning for any family thinking about taking time away.
Watch. As this man enters a New York City apartment, nonchalantly digging through drawers. He made off with thousands of dollars worth of jewelry from three different apartments over the long 4th of July holiday weekend. Police, releasing the video in hopes of identifying the thief. And in Seattle, this burglary, also caught on surveillance tape while the homeowners were on vacation.
But more important than catching a burglary on camera is preventing it. Experts say don't post your vacation plans on social media. This family went on vacation to Las Vegas last year, posting about their trip on Facebook, only to realize they'd tipped off burglars.
"While we were gone, he was here, taking us for everything we have."
(Cyber-security expert)
"They are telling anybody that has access to your account, or has access to social media. You're telling them where you are going to be and where you are not going to be."
◆crime spree 短時間に次々と犯罪を重ねること
◆nonchalantly 平然と、無頓着に
◆dig through ~の中を探す、~の中を探る
◆make off with ~を持ち去る
◆identify 特定する、身元を割り出す
◆surveillance 監視
◆tip off 押し込み、住居侵入窃盗
16961.work force(従業員、労働力)
We'll discuss how to create an effective global work force .
16962.exchange idea(意見交換)
I'm so excited about exchange idea with people from different country.
We've been assigned to fill in a questionnaire for the conference.
16964.be through to(~へ進む)
I'm glad that you are through to the next round of interviews.
I believe she is busy with payrolls.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

We'll discuss how to create an effective global work force .
16962.exchange idea(意見交換)
I'm so excited about exchange idea with people from different country.
We've been assigned to fill in a questionnaire for the conference.
16964.be through to(~へ進む)
I'm glad that you are through to the next round of interviews.
I believe she is busy with payrolls.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

16956.have got a lot on one's plate(やることが山ほどある)
You have got a lot on your plate downtown at 54 West avenue.
16957.work off a few calories(運動でカロリーを消費する)
I don't mind working off a few calories.
16958.mini workout(ミニトレーニング)
It will be a good mini workout.
16959.work up to(~になるまで徐々に強める、速める)
We need to work up to this pace.
Could you tell me which foreign subsidiaries are invited?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

You have got a lot on your plate downtown at 54 West avenue.
16957.work off a few calories(運動でカロリーを消費する)
I don't mind working off a few calories.
16958.mini workout(ミニトレーニング)
It will be a good mini workout.
16959.work up to(~になるまで徐々に強める、速める)
We need to work up to this pace.
Could you tell me which foreign subsidiaries are invited?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News