


2022年06月22日 | 爺英語

For the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, Japan's borders are about to reopen to foreign tourists.
But the country's prime minister says the easing will be gradual and that there will be conditions.
(Kishida Fumio / Japanese Prime Minister)
“From June 10, we will resume accepting foreign tourists on package tours that are accompanied by guides.
Ahead of that, Kishida said the current cap on the number of arrivals from overseas will be doubled to 20,000 per day from June 1.
Under the new scheme, countries and regions will be divided into three categories, depending on their deemed infection risk.
Visitors from the lowest-risk group will be exempt from virus testing and self-quarantine even if they have not been vaccinated for COVID.
Japan is the only G7 member that's still limiting the number of visitors.

 cap  上限、頂点  
 be exempt from  ~が免除される 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/22)

2022年06月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
28851.side job (副業 )
I had many side jobs in my twenties. 
28852.pull an all-nighter (徹夜する )an occasion when you spend the whole night studying or doing written work at university
We missed the last train and ended up pulling an all-nighter. 
28853.straight (連続で)happening one after the other in a series
It's been raining for five straight days. When is it going to stop? 
28854.suck at  (〜が下手・苦手 )
I really suck at math. It was my worst subject in school. 
28855.at the same time (それと同時に / その一方で / 同時に )if two things happen at the same time, they both happen together
He is successful and at the same time very humble. 

徒然草 第百五十七段

2022年06月21日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/21)

2022年06月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
28846.come from ~ background (~の環境で育つ )
You have to be patient with that kid. He comes from a troubled family background. 
28847.blood, sweat, and tears (最大限の努力、 血と汗と涙の結晶 )extremely hard work
A big part of it is luck, but you also have to pour your blood, sweat, and tears into it 
28848. go on a trip / Take a trip (旅行する )to use all of something and not have any more left
I'm going on a trip to Greece next week. 
28849.make a trip ((ある目的のために)旅行に行く 
You guys are moving to Tokyo? I will definitely make a trip to Japan to see you guys.
28850.Could you elaborate on (~を詳しく述べる )
Could you elaborate on that?  

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/20)

2022年06月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
28841.come down to (~にかかっている ) if a complicated situation or problem comes down to something, that is the single most important thing
Preparation and hard work are important but sometimes it comes down to luck. 
28842.prodigy(天才)a young person who has a great natural ability in a subject or skill → genius
Mozart was a musical prodigy
28843.spoil (甘やかす)to give a child everything they want, or let them do whatever they want, often with the result that they behave badly
I'm an only child. Looking back, I'd say I was pretty spoiled as a child. 
28844.Has/Have been around for (〜からずっとある )
This ramen shop has been around for at least 20 years. 
28845.check it out (確認する意味合いを含めて〜を見る )
Are you done with the essay? OK, I'll check it out

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/19)

2022年06月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
28836.dirt cheap (すごく安い )extremely cheap or cheaply
 Yeah I had a blast! The food was amazing and everything was dirt cheap
28837.next to nothing (ただ同然)very little
I bought this watch for next to nothing
28838.wreck  (壊れている、参っている) to completely spoil something so that it cannot continue in a successful way SYN ruin
Tom was wrecked last night. He was slurring and stumbling all over the place.
28839.at the drop of a hat. (すぐに )immediately and without pausing to think about what you are going to do 
If I had the opportunity to live abroad, I’d quit my job at the drop of a hat and go.
28840.comforting (気分が安らぐ )making you feel less worried, unhappy, or upset SYN reassuring
Thank you for your comforting words. 


2022年06月18日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】
古堅 純子




Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/18)

2022年06月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
28831.better price(値引き)
That's a little pricey. Can you give me better price? 
28832.lightheaded (頭がふらふらする、思慮の足りない )unable to think clearly or move steadily, for example during a fever or after drinking alcohol SYN dizzy
Woah. I feel a little lightheaded. I think I stood up too fast. 
28833.pick up (買う)to buy something or get it from a shop etc
Can you stop by Starbucks and pick up some coffee? 
28834.pick up (電話に出る)
She didn’t pick up. It went straight to her voicemail. 
28835.tiger mom (スパルタママ、教育ママ )a mother who is extremely strict with her children so that they will behave very well and achieve a lot
Well, my mother was a typical tiger mom.  

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/17)

2022年06月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
Let’s check our bags and go get something to eat.
28827.carry-on(機内持ち込みの手荷物)a bag that you are allowed to take onto a plane with you
I think my phone charger is in my carry-on
28828.overcast(雲で覆われた、陰鬱な)dark with clouds
The weather is going to be overcast all week
The sun shone through a break in the clouds. 
28830.contrail(飛行機雲)a line of white steam made in the sky by a plane
I see a contrrail, but I don't see a plane. Weird.

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/16)

2022年06月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
28821.see(経験する) to experience something
She's seen both sorrow and joy in her life.
28822.hate to say this but(言いたくないのだけれど)
I hate to say this, but it looks like your boyfriend is seeing somebody. 
28823.tangible clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed OPP intangible
This letter is one of Japan's tangible cultural properties.
It costs a lot of money to preserve tangible cultural properties. 
28825.boomer(ベビーブーム世代の人)someone born during a period when a lot of babies were born, especially between 1946 and 1964
Boomer are always talking about the good old days. 


2022年06月15日 | 爺英語
We move now to the coronavirus situation in Japan. Experts here are offering new advice on face masks.
They say there may be more situations where people do not need to wear them.
Health ministry experts say people don't necessarily need to wear masks outdoors as long as they and people around them are not talking much.
They say that applies even when people can't social distance.
They say people should keep wearing masks when they're talking outdoors or riding public transportation.
Members of the public gave mixed reactions.
“I'm a bit scared, so I'll always wear a mask.”
“It's nearly summer. It gets hard to breathe, so I'd like to take it off when possible.”
The experts also gave their views on masks for small children. They say it's time to revive a policy of not expecting preschoolers aged two or older to wear them.

 Members of the public 大衆、一般人  

Daily Vocabulary(2022/06/15)

2022年06月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
28816.I'm with you. (同感です / 私も同じです )to understand what someone is telling you or explaining to you
I'm with you on your decision to move back to Japan. 
28817.proficient (堪能な / 熟練者 / 達人 )able to do something well or skilfully
I want to become proficient in English. 
28818.sassy (生意気な、活発的な )a child who is sassy is rude to someone they should respect SYN cheeky someone, especially a woman, who is sassy is confident and does not really care what other people think about her SYN feisty
My sister was a bit sassy as a kid. She talked back to mom all the time. 
28819.sacred(神聖な) relating to a god or religion /very important or greatly respected 
It’s a sacred area built in memory of the shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. 
You should ask Noriko out. She is not seeing anyone.