

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/23)

2022年10月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
29461.metabolism (代謝)the chemical processes by which food is changed into energy in your body
Running regularly is a good way to boost your metabolism
29462.immune system (免疫系 )the system by which your body protects itself against disease
Fruits with a lots of vitamin C are good for your immune system
29463.heart rate(心拍数)
Your heart rate is a little elevated.
29464.barometer (気圧計) an instrument that measures changes in the air pressure and the weather, or that calculates height above sea level
My smart phone has a built-in barometer for measuring air pressure. 
29465.wind chill (体感温度 )the cooling effect of the wind
The temperature is 3 degree, but the wind chill is minus 5.


2022年10月22日 | 読書日記

2019年に『かか』で文藝賞を受賞し(遠野遥と同時受賞)、2020年、同作品で三島由紀夫賞を最年少で受賞。第44回野間文芸新人賞候補にも選ばれる。『推し、燃ゆ』で第164回(2020年下半期)芥川龍之介賞受賞。綿矢りさ、金原ひとみに次ぐ、史上3番目の若さでの受賞となった 。23歳。




Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/22)

2022年10月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
29456.drop hints (ヒントを出す、ほのめかす)to suggest or ask for something in an indirect way, hoping that the person you are talking to will understand what you mean
Though she isn't saying she is't interested, she has dropped  so many hints.
29457.thorough (徹底的な、詳細な )
A good business plan requires a thorough market analysis. 
29458.subdue(征服する、鎮圧する、抑える、抑制する  )to defeat or control a person or group, especially using force 
It took firefighters weeks to subdue the forest fire.
29459.substantial (しかっかりした、かなりの量の ) large in amount or number 類義語 considerable OPP insubstantial
I always eat a substantial breakfast before a race. 
29460.subscribe (購読する、登録する)to pay money, usually once a year, to have copies of a newspaper or magazine sent to you, or to have some other service
Thanks for subscribing too my channel. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/21)

2022年10月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
29451.as is (そのまま)if something is being sold as is, where is, it is being sold in its present condition and place, even though this may not be very good
It looks fine as is
29452.palm reading (手相 )
You must be believe in palm reading
29453.It has been while.(おひさしぶりです )
It has been while.A lot has happened.
29454.inheritance (相続、相続財産、遺産 )money, property etc that you receive from someone who has died
Sharing an inheritance between siblings can be difficult. 
29455.get into (熱中する )
He needs to get into his studies.

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/20)

2022年10月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
29446. (be) in seventh heaven (幸福の絶頂(にいる)  )informal to be extremely happy
This was hands down the best bowl of ramen I've ever had. I'm in seventh heaven. 
29447.be on social media (snsをやっている)
Actually, my grandmother is on social media. 
29448.keep in touch  if two people keep in close contact, they see, talk to, or write to each other often 
I keep in touch with my family on social media.
29449.photogenic (写真映えする)always looking attractive in photographs
The building, photogenic but antiquated, stood among clusters of oak and pine.  
29450.backlit (逆光)
It's a backlit, so would you close those curtains? 


2022年10月19日 | Daily Vocabulary

When a massive earthquake hit northeastern Japan in March 2011, the shaking was felt far from the epicenter.
Many skyscrapers in Tokyo experienced what is known as long-period ground motion.
Construction companies are now working on methods to reduce the damage this can cause.
Major construction firm Shimizu conducted a test on a model skyscraper. A vibration-reduction system was installed in the upper floors.
This is a departure from the more traditional approach of placing dampers between the building and its underground foundation.
Engineers say the swaying on the upper floors was reduced by 30 percent compared to a model without the system. They say the movement of the entire building was also less.
The technology is already being applied. It will be used in a 43-story building set to open in Tokyo's Minato Ward in February 2025.

epicenter 震源地、震央  epicenter
long-period ground motion. 長周期地震動    t
 ◆damper 緩衝器  a piece of equipment that stops a movement from being too strong 
swaying  揺れること   to move slowly from one side to another 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/19)

2022年10月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
29441.achieve  ((目標を)成し遂げる・達成する  )to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard
Jane’s goal was to lose 15 lbs in 3 months, but she achieved her goal in 2 months. 
29442.accomplish  ((任務を)成し遂げる・果たす  )to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard 類義語 achieve
I feel that I can accomplish this task if Greg helped me.  
29443.I have no recollection (全く記憶がない ) something from the past that you remember 
I have no recollection how I got home last night. 
29444.I don't recall  (〜を覚えていない  )
I can't recall the name of the company he works for. 
29445.(be) on cloud nine  (至福の状態(である)  )
I finally got over a 900 on the TOEIC! I can't believe it! I'm on cloud nine

徒然草 第百七十四段

2022年10月18日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/18)

2022年10月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
29436. I swear  (本当です )
I'm not joking. I swear I saw a ghost in that room. . 
29437.shoot back  (〜を返す  )
He responds right away. He’ll shoot back a response within 15 minutes.  
29438.have beef with  (〜に不満がある / 対立する / 文句がある  )
I I love the food here but I have (a) beef with the service here. It's terrible. 
29439.I’m a lightweight (お酒に弱いです )
I’m a lightweight. I can’t drink much. 
29440.from ground up  (一から  )
Yeah, he fired the majority of the employees and rebuilt the company from ground up

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/17)

2022年10月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
29435.accidentally (思わず・間違えて )used to talk about someone or something without mentioning their name
I’m running about 15 minutes late. I accidentally got on the wrong train. 
29436.horror stories  (悲惨な体験談 )
Most of my trips were great but I do have a few horror stories
29437.hit or miss (いちかばちか )done in a way that is not planned or organized → random 
Many restaurants in L.A. are a hit or miss. Some places are amazing but others are horrible 
29438.I'm between jobs.  (失業中 )
I'm between jobs right now. I actually have a job interview tomorrow. 
29439.entry level position   (新入社員 )
If you're interested, our company is offering an entry level position right now. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/10/16)

2022年10月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
29431.ointment (軟膏)a soft cream that you rub into your skin, especially as a medical treatment
The ointment, made from plants, is applied directly to burned skin. 
29432.a fly in the ointment ( 玉にきず )informal the only thing that spoils something and prevents it from being successful
It's a good paying job, but the fly in the ointment is that I'll have to spend a lot of time traveling. 
29433.hesitate(躊躇する)to pause before saying or doing something because you are nervous or not sure 
There is no need to hesitate.Go for it.
29434.probably  (十中八九高い確率で / きっと(可能性:50%以上) )used to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true etc
I am probably going to the party tonight, though I have to double check with my husband. 
29435.Possibly  (もしかすると / ひょっとしたら(可能性:50%以下)  )used when saying that something may be true or likely, although you are not completely certain 類義語 perhaps, maybe
Possibly, though their opposition is quite strong too. 


2022年10月15日 | 読書日記


