

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/23)

2023年05月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
30516.spring cleaning(春の大掃除)when you clean a house thoroughly, usually once a year 
As I was doing my spring cleaning, i found an old photo album. 
30517.any chance (~する可能性はありますか?、~できますか)used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying 
Any chance we can switch shifts next weekend? It's my niece's birthday party on Saturday 
30518.revolve(回る,回転する) to get rid of something that you do not want or need 
How long does it take for Jupiter to revolve around sun?
30519.sunlight(太陽の光、日光)natural light that comes from the sun 
You need to store these skincare products out of direct sunlight.
30520.sequence(一続きの物、一連の) the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in 
You have to follow the instructions and do the steps in the correct sequence

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/22)

2023年05月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
30511.landfill((埋め立て式)ごみ処理地、埋め立てごみ処理 )a place where waste is buried under the ground 
Recycling programs across the US typically cost far more than landfilling.
30512.fade away(徐々になくなる)
Memories fade away overtime. That’s why I take a lot of pictures. 
30513.let oneself go(自由に振る舞う)
Stop worrying about others and just let yourself go. .
30514.pass away(亡くなる)to die – use this when you want to avoid saying the word ‘die’ 
He passed away from cancer. 
30515.clueless(無知な)having no understanding or knowledge of something – used to show disapproval 
I’m clueless about celebrity gossip. I don’t follow that stuff at all. . 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/21)

2023年05月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
30506.lose one's touch(接触を失う、(時勢などに)遅れる、(…に)うとくなる 、下手になる)thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
I know you didn’t win today, but you haven’t lost your touch. You’re just having a bad day. 
30507.twist one's arm (人に何かを強制的にさせる  )to persuade someone to do something they do not want to do 
Well, I had to twist his arm to do it 
30508.in a tight spot (窮地に陥る)
I’m in a tight spot because my Uber ride got canceled! 
30509.fit in((環境に)溶け込む / 馴染む / 順応する )if someone fits in, they are accepted by the other people in a group 
I'm very adaptable. I usually fit in anywhere I go. 
30510.think nothing of (何とも思わない / ~しても平気 / 物ともしない )
Think nothing of it. Just let me know if you need help again. 

対人援助の現場で使える 承認する・勇気づける技術 便利帖

2023年05月20日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】
Eastern Illinois University, Honors Program心理学科卒業、Columbia University, Teachers College教育心理学修士課程修了。
コミュニケーション 研修及びコーチング研修、スーパービジョン研修などを担当。
『対人援助の現場で使える 聴く・伝える・共感する技術 便利帖』
『対人援助の現場で使える 質問する技術 便利帖』(翔泳社)、
『介護の○と×シリーズ コミュニケーション○と×』(中央法規出版/共著)など。 



Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/20)

2023年05月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
30501.fall for(~を好きになる、~にほれる ) to start to love someone 
My mom fell for my dad the moment she heard him song. 
30502.illusion(錯覚、幻想)something that seems to be different from the way it really is 
This image creates an optical illusion.
I keep supplies like paper and pens in my bottom drawer.
30504.know like the back of one's hand (〜をよく知っている )
No you don't have to do that. I know this area like the back of my hand
30505.live from hand to mouth (その日暮らしをする、かつかつの生活を送) to have only just enough money to buy food 
Many North Koreans are forced to live a hand-to-mouth existence.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/19)

2023年05月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
30496.put an end to(~に終止符を打つ)to stop an activity that is harmful or unacceptable 
I think it's time to put an end to our relationship. 
30497.blurry(ぼやけた、不鮮明な )
The photo turned out blurry. Let's take another shou just to be safe.
30498.flame (構成する、構図を決める、額縁に入れる)
Hold on while I flame this shot. I want to get Tokyo Tower in the background.
30499.magnetic(磁石の、磁気の、魅力のある、人を引きつける)having the power of a magnet or behaving like a magnet 
There is something magnetic about Nick.
30500.looker(容貌の人、美しい女、美人)someone who is attractive, usually a woman 
Grandpa says Grandma was a looker in high school.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/18)

2023年05月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
30491.sensible(分別のある、賢明な)thorough, complete, and considering all the details 
WI don't think it's a sensible decision to look for another supplier. 
30492.on one knee(跪いて)used to add more information that emphasizes what you are saying 
Why are you on one knee?
3049.privately (私的に ) with no one else present 
May I speak to you privately?
30494.drop(やめる、中断する)to stop doing something, discussing something, or continuing with something 
Drop what you are doing. We need to talk.
30495.a heart to heart(腹を割って )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home 
It was nice to have this heart-to-heart


2023年05月17日 | 爺英語

Germany ended its use of nuclear power by shutting down its last three power stations on Saturday.
Former Chancellor Angela Merkel adopted a nuclear phase-out policy following the 2011 accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
The government initially planned to shut down all the plants by December of last year.
But it delayed the move after Russia cut natural gas supplies to Germany following its invasion of Ukraine.
Members of civic groups gathered near one of the final three plants in southern Germany to mark the end of the country's nuclear policy.
They rejoiced and called for a swift change to renewable energy.
But some people are still urging the government to use nuclear power.
A recent opinion poll shows that 59 percent of the people in Germany are opposed to the abolition of nuclear power plants, while 34 percent supported it.

abolition 廃止、全廃  when a law or a system is officially ended 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/17)

2023年05月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
30486.the high(最高気温 )
The high will be twenty degree today.  
30487.crisp(パリパリする、新鮮な、バリバリ音がする、できたての、身の引き締まる、さわやかな、すがすがしい )
The air is so crisp in Sweden!
30488.leave no stone unturned (できることはすべてやる、あらゆる可能性を検討する)to do everything you can in order to find something or to solve a problem 
We must leave no stone unturned to keep the business running.
30489.pompous (もったいぶった、尊大な、気取った、大げさな )someone who is pompous thinks that they are important, and shows this by being very formal and using long words – used to show disapproval 
It can makes us seem pompous, less relatable.
30490.stuck up(お高くとまった、高慢な)proud and unfriendly because you think you are better and more important than other people – used to show disapproval 類義語 snooty 
I don’t think we come across as stuck up

徒然草 第二百四段

2023年05月16日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/05/16)

2023年05月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
30481.not function(機能できない)not to work in the correct or intended way 類義語 operate 
I can’t function without coffee in the morning. 
30482.nerd (オタク)someone who seems only interested in computers and other technical things – used to show disapproval 類義語 ge
My younger brother is a video game nerd.
30483.starve to death (腹ペコペコ)
I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m starving to death.
30484.Now that you mention it (そういえば)
Now that you mention it, I do vaguely remember meeting John.
30485.particular about (こだわりがある)
You know he is very particular about his fashion right?