30781.crisp(皴のない、ぱりぱりの )something that is crisp is hard, and makes a pleasant sound when you break it or crush it / paper or cloth that is crisp is fresh, clean, and new 類義語 fresh
I think a crisp white shirt can make anyone look great.
30782.impromtu(準備なしに、即座に、即興的に、間に合わせに )done or said without any preparation or planning
I think a crisp white shirt can make anyone look great.
30782.impromtu(準備なしに、即座に、即興的に、間に合わせに )done or said without any preparation or planning
My new job is interesting and stimulating. What's more, I get to travel to many countries.
30783.evade(はぐらかす、回避する )to avoid talking about something, especially because you are trying to hide something → evasion
At the press conference, Paul evaded questions about why the band broke up.
30784.qualify for(~に対する資格を得る)
I can’t believe it. My cousin qualified for the Contest
30785.stray(逸れた、野良の )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home
My aunt volunteers for a group devoted to rescuing stray cats.
I can’t believe it. My cousin qualified for the Contest
30785.stray(逸れた、野良の )a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home
My aunt volunteers for a group devoted to rescuing stray cats.