2956.ease the burden(負担を軽減する)
We have to ease the burden of U.S. military bases carried by people in Okinawa.
2957.deposits and grant(助成、補助金)
He was sorting through this valuable porcelain on a research grant.
2958.nest egg(将来のための貯蓄、貯金)
I save a little bit of money every year for my retirement nest egg.
2959.by leaps and bounds(急速に、飛躍的に)
The population of the city is growing by leaps and bounds.
2960.interest rate(金利、利率)
Our current interest rate is 0.5% per year compounded twice a year.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

We have to ease the burden of U.S. military bases carried by people in Okinawa.
2957.deposits and grant(助成、補助金)
He was sorting through this valuable porcelain on a research grant.
2958.nest egg(将来のための貯蓄、貯金)
I save a little bit of money every year for my retirement nest egg.
2959.by leaps and bounds(急速に、飛躍的に)
The population of the city is growing by leaps and bounds.
2960.interest rate(金利、利率)
Our current interest rate is 0.5% per year compounded twice a year.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News