The itinerant fruit pickers traveled often looking for work.
Chef Tom was famous for his Italian cuisine.
2918.dip into( ちょっと浸る、~に向かって下がる、貯金から金を引き出す)
He dipped into his savings to buy a car.
2919.apart at the seams(縫い目がほころびる、継ぎ目から裂けてくる、バラバラになる、駄目になる、ガタガタになる、がたがくる)When Tom found out that he wasn't going back to camp this summer, he came apart at the seams.
2920.all the while(~している間中、ずっと、その間中、その間ずっと、今まで、始終)
all the while, I'll stay here and wait for your phone call.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The itinerant fruit pickers traveled often looking for work.
Chef Tom was famous for his Italian cuisine.
2918.dip into( ちょっと浸る、~に向かって下がる、貯金から金を引き出す)
He dipped into his savings to buy a car.
2919.apart at the seams(縫い目がほころびる、継ぎ目から裂けてくる、バラバラになる、駄目になる、ガタガタになる、がたがくる)When Tom found out that he wasn't going back to camp this summer, he came apart at the seams.
2920.all the while(~している間中、ずっと、その間中、その間ずっと、今まで、始終)
all the while, I'll stay here and wait for your phone call.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News