2971.grapple with life(~に取り組む、~で興奮する、立ち向かう)
They are grappling with credit card debt.
I don't like his grim smile and attitude.
Sales of cassettes and CDs have touched an abysmal low in recent years.
2974.fun and games (陽気な騒ぎ、愉快な騒動、お祭り騒ぎ)
We continue to build thier skills in personal finanncing in ways that also provide fun and games for the whole family.
2975.credit rating(信用格付け、信用等級、借入限度額、信用度)
Your credit rating is so abysmal that you know you'll never qualify for any loan.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

They are grappling with credit card debt.
I don't like his grim smile and attitude.
Sales of cassettes and CDs have touched an abysmal low in recent years.
2974.fun and games (陽気な騒ぎ、愉快な騒動、お祭り騒ぎ)
We continue to build thier skills in personal finanncing in ways that also provide fun and games for the whole family.
2975.credit rating(信用格付け、信用等級、借入限度額、信用度)
Your credit rating is so abysmal that you know you'll never qualify for any loan.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News