The G-8 has become, by default, the premier showcase in which the world's diffuse malcontents can express their inchoate frustrations.
Spilled wine left an indistinct stain on the red carpet.
Let's check the timetable to see what time your train leaves.
3829.phase out(段階的に廃止する[やめる・減らす・取り除く・撤去する・廃棄する・消す・辞めさせる・停止する])
The tax deductibility of your contributions phases out within certain income ranges.
Susie felt alienated when the men started talking about cars.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

The G-8 has become, by default, the premier showcase in which the world's diffuse malcontents can express their inchoate frustrations.
Spilled wine left an indistinct stain on the red carpet.
Let's check the timetable to see what time your train leaves.
3829.phase out(段階的に廃止する[やめる・減らす・取り除く・撤去する・廃棄する・消す・辞めさせる・停止する])
The tax deductibility of your contributions phases out within certain income ranges.
Susie felt alienated when the men started talking about cars.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News