This bantamweight champion was a masterful infighter because he was legally blind in both eyes.
3862.faux pas(〈フランス語〉過失、へま、間違い、過ち)
The biggest faux pas one can make is not to send the person in charge a thank-you note.
She deduced that her husband was unfaithful by the lipstick on his shirt.
3864.dark glass(色メガネ、サングラス)
When Tom around Beverly Hills in dark glasses, people take her for a movie star.
His best trait is his sense of humor.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

This bantamweight champion was a masterful infighter because he was legally blind in both eyes.
3862.faux pas(〈フランス語〉過失、へま、間違い、過ち)
The biggest faux pas one can make is not to send the person in charge a thank-you note.
She deduced that her husband was unfaithful by the lipstick on his shirt.
3864.dark glass(色メガネ、サングラス)
When Tom around Beverly Hills in dark glasses, people take her for a movie star.
His best trait is his sense of humor.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News