愛情物語・・・To Love Again
11756.be in a quandary(途方に暮れている、ジレンマに陥っている)
Tom is in a quandary.
11757.have a passion for(~が大好きである、~に情熱を抱いている)
Students like Tom who have a passion for journalism.
11758.be in double bind(板ばさみに陥っている)
Students are in double bind.
11759.crushing debt(多額の借金、負債)
The soaring cost of a college eduction is burdening students with crushing debt.
He should learn more about advertising and public relations by working closely with his peers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第十二番岩間山正法寺/滋賀県大津市(2011/07/30)

Tom is in a quandary.
11757.have a passion for(~が大好きである、~に情熱を抱いている)
Students like Tom who have a passion for journalism.
11758.be in double bind(板ばさみに陥っている)
Students are in double bind.
11759.crushing debt(多額の借金、負債)
The soaring cost of a college eduction is burdening students with crushing debt.
He should learn more about advertising and public relations by working closely with his peers.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第十二番岩間山正法寺/滋賀県大津市(2011/07/30)
