11806.the height of rudeness(無礼の極み、最悪の失礼)
i consider the height of rudeness is when i'm having a conversation with someone.
11807.make eye contact with(~と視線を合わせる、アイコンタクトを取る)
They text a third party on their mobile phone while not making eye contact with me.
11808.make someone's blood boil(人を激怒させる、人のはらわたを煮えくり返らせる)
That makes my blood boil know why you think the economy may be on the mend.
11809.ease up(落ち着いて、興奮しないで)
Hey, Tom, ease up.
11810.par for thr course(よくあること、いつものこと)
That sort of behavior is par for thr course these days.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第十三番石光山石山寺/滋賀県大津市(2011/07/30)

i consider the height of rudeness is when i'm having a conversation with someone.
11807.make eye contact with(~と視線を合わせる、アイコンタクトを取る)
They text a third party on their mobile phone while not making eye contact with me.
11808.make someone's blood boil(人を激怒させる、人のはらわたを煮えくり返らせる)
That makes my blood boil know why you think the economy may be on the mend.
11809.ease up(落ち着いて、興奮しないで)
Hey, Tom, ease up.
11810.par for thr course(よくあること、いつものこと)
That sort of behavior is par for thr course these days.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第十三番石光山石山寺/滋賀県大津市(2011/07/30)
