9961.chill out(のんびりする、リラックスする)
I find that being away from the office for a few days give me a chance to chill out a bit.
9962.catch up on(~の後れを取りもどす)
I can catch up on reading books that have been gathering dust on my shelf.
9963.in the wild(野生で)
Going on a business trip is a chance for her tos ee species she's never seen in the wild before.
9964.pale in comparison to(~と比べると見劣りがする)
Train travel in the U.S. pales in comparison to Japan.
You can always tell the seasoned business trevellers immediately by how quickly smoothely they slip off their shoes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
四国八十八ヶ所 第二十二番白水山平等寺/徳島県阿南市(2010/06/06)
孫の奏輔君の「お食い初め」で上京して二日目、投宿した汐留にあるホテルCONRAD TOKYOからお台場方面。
I find that being away from the office for a few days give me a chance to chill out a bit.
9962.catch up on(~の後れを取りもどす)
I can catch up on reading books that have been gathering dust on my shelf.
9963.in the wild(野生で)
Going on a business trip is a chance for her tos ee species she's never seen in the wild before.
9964.pale in comparison to(~と比べると見劣りがする)
Train travel in the U.S. pales in comparison to Japan.
You can always tell the seasoned business trevellers immediately by how quickly smoothely they slip off their shoes.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
四国八十八ヶ所 第二十二番白水山平等寺/徳島県阿南市(2010/06/06)
孫の奏輔君の「お食い初め」で上京して二日目、投宿した汐留にあるホテルCONRAD TOKYOからお台場方面。