There is no leeway to provide services free of charge for the sake of others.
We want only relevant information, not useless information.
2783.take a raincheck(またの機会にする、延期する、また今度にする)
Let's me take a raincheck tonight. I have a previous engagement. Next time.
Susie sounds really condescending.How can you stand for?
2785.haggle over(細かい点を交渉する、値切る、~でもめる、~で押し問答する)
We are still hagging over the discount parcentage with our client.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

There is no leeway to provide services free of charge for the sake of others.
We want only relevant information, not useless information.
2783.take a raincheck(またの機会にする、延期する、また今度にする)
Let's me take a raincheck tonight. I have a previous engagement. Next time.
Susie sounds really condescending.How can you stand for?
2785.haggle over(細かい点を交渉する、値切る、~でもめる、~で押し問答する)
We are still hagging over the discount parcentage with our client.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News