16091.self-disclosure and free will(自己開示と自由意思)
They discribed two important factors in becoming a skillful conversationalist: self-disclosure and free wil.
16092.hail from(~の出身である)
What part of the States do you hail from?
16093.level playing field(同じ土俵、対等の立場、公平な条件)
Mutual self-disclosure puts us on level playing field、祖とsぺあk。.
16094.of one's own free will(自分の自由意思で、自主的に)
She gave it of her own free will.
16095.beautiful friendship(素敵な交友関係)
That could be the start of a good business relationship, Or even a beautiful friendship.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

They discribed two important factors in becoming a skillful conversationalist: self-disclosure and free wil.
16092.hail from(~の出身である)
What part of the States do you hail from?
16093.level playing field(同じ土俵、対等の立場、公平な条件)
Mutual self-disclosure puts us on level playing field、祖とsぺあk。.
16094.of one's own free will(自分の自由意思で、自主的に)
She gave it of her own free will.
16095.beautiful friendship(素敵な交友関係)
That could be the start of a good business relationship, Or even a beautiful friendship.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News