

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/06)

2019年11月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
24291.lose one's temper(冷静さを失う )
I almost lost my temper.
24292.weep formal or literary to cry, especially because you feel very sad 
I heard someone weeping in the room next door.
24293.acorn the nut of the oak tree 
My son is busy collecting acorn
24294.credit (単位)   a successfully completed part of a course at a university or college 
How many credits do I need?.
24295.subsequently(その後) after an event in the past OPP previously
Police found the man inside the house and subsequently arrested him

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第二十段

2019年11月05日 | 徒然草を読む



Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/05)

2019年11月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
24286.It take two to tango(喧嘩両成敗 )spoken used to say that if a problem involves two people, then both people are equally responsible 
It take two to tango.
24287.argue(口論する )
It sounds like you argued with your wife again.
24288.make up with(仲直りする)
Suppose you stay here until you've cooled down, and then try to make up with him.
24289. in case(~のために)  
I should probably prepare in case she fails to do it again.
24290.cover up(隠す)up to put something over something else so that it cannot be seen  
I suspect she’s covering up for her husband.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/04)

2019年11月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
24281.go on a diet (これからダイエットする )
I have/need to go on a diet! 
24282.get over something/someone (立ち直る )
You guys broke up over a year ago. You need to get over him.
24283.move on(前に進む )
There's nothing we can do about it now. Let's forget about what happened and move on
24284.introvert (内向的) someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people OPP extrovert  
 Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? ..
24285.bundle up(厚着する) to put warm clothes on someone or yourself because it is cold 類義語 wrap up 
It's snowing today. Make sure you guys bundle up.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/03)

2019年11月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
24276.argue(口論する )to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way 
It sounds like you argued with your wife again.
24277.Talk~over with  (◯◯さんと〜について話し合う )
Let me talk it over with my supervisor first 
24278.How much longer (あとどれぐらい)
How much longer is it going to take? 
24279.fling (投げつける)  
Don’t fling your stuff on the ground. .
24280.back and forth (行ったり 来たり)   going in one direction and then in the opposite direction, and repeating this several times 
I keep going back and forth with my career decisions. I’m not sure what I want to do.  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2019年11月02日 | 読書日記



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Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/02)

2019年11月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
24271.gymnastics events(体操競技 ) a sport involving physical exercises and movements that need skill, strength, and control, and that are often performed in competitions 
My favorite gymnastics events is the horizontal bar.
24272.bad call(誤審 )
That was a bad call.
24273.close game(接戦)
I hope it's a close game.
24274.in person(直々に、生で、本人が直接会って )  
This stadium looks different when I see it in person.
24275.late bloomer(遅咲き)someone who does not become successful until they are older 
I haven't heard anyone call him a late bloomer in a while. But I do wonder when he's going to grow up. 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2019/11/01)

2019年11月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
24266.surgical procedure(外科手技、外科手術手技)
They'll always be needed to care for the sickness patients, or for complex and risky surgical procedure.
She really knows her stuff when it comes to corporate law.
24267.blue-chip company(優良企業、一流会社)a well-known, successful company whose shares are a very safe investment 
That ranges from a single nurse at small firms, to teams of primary-care physicians and specialists at big blue-chip company with deep pockets.
24268.underdog(負けそうな人、敗(北)者 )a person, team etc that is weaker than the others, is always expected to be unsuccessful, and that is often treated badly 
I always root for the underdog.
24269.the track and field events(陸上競技)  
 My favorite the track and field events  is the pole vault
24270.false start( フライング) a situation at the beginning of a race when one competitor starts too soon and the race has to start again 
It was a false start.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News