「ひまわりI girasoli」サウンド・トラック
26846.in a row(連続して)If something happens several times in a row, it happens that number of times without a break. If something happens several days in a row, it happens on each of those days.
I went to the gym three days in a row.
26847.a solid(少なくとも)
We were walking for a solid 30 minutes in this heat. We were drenched with sweat.
26848.twirl(くるくる回す)If you twirl something or if it twirls, it turns around and around with a smooth, fairly fast movement.
She tends to twirl her hair when she’s nervous
26849.stun(呆然とさせる、仰天させる)If you twirl something or if it twirls, it turns around and around with a smooth, fairly fast movement.
Her beauty stunned my brother.
26850.get back to(~に戻る) If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it.
Getting back to what we were talking about, where should we travel to this summer?
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I went to the gym three days in a row.
26847.a solid(少なくとも)
We were walking for a solid 30 minutes in this heat. We were drenched with sweat.
26848.twirl(くるくる回す)If you twirl something or if it twirls, it turns around and around with a smooth, fairly fast movement.
She tends to twirl her hair when she’s nervous
26849.stun(呆然とさせる、仰天させる)If you twirl something or if it twirls, it turns around and around with a smooth, fairly fast movement.
Her beauty stunned my brother.
26850.get back to(~に戻る) If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it.
Getting back to what we were talking about, where should we travel to this summer?
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26841.while we're on the subject of (~が話題になっている時に)
While we're on the subject of allergies, I can't eat seafood.
That’s my basic tap dance routine.
26843.organize(組織する、編制する、(…を)(…に)組織する、計画する)If you organize an event or activity, you make sure that the necessary arrangements are made.
He is a good guy, so I'd like to organize a farewell party.
26844.What's your view?(あなたはどうお考えでしょう?)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
What is your view? I think it’s better to study English in the US than in the UK.
26845.book a table(席を予約する) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
I booked a table at seafood restaurant for y mother's day?
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While we're on the subject of allergies, I can't eat seafood.
That’s my basic tap dance routine.
26843.organize(組織する、編制する、(…を)(…に)組織する、計画する)If you organize an event or activity, you make sure that the necessary arrangements are made.
He is a good guy, so I'd like to organize a farewell party.
26844.What's your view?(あなたはどうお考えでしょう?)You can use one way or another or one way or the other when you want to say that something definitely happens, but without giving any details about how it happens
What is your view? I think it’s better to study English in the US than in the UK.
26845.book a table(席を予約する) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
I booked a table at seafood restaurant for y mother's day?
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不安はシャボン玉!? 心のしくみを解説
不安はシャボン玉!? 心のしくみを解説
精神科医。一般社団法人認知行動療法研修開発センター理事長。ストレスマネジメントネットワーク代表。1978年、慶應義塾大学医学部卒業と同時に、同大学の精神神経学教室に入室。その後、コーネル大学医学部、ペンシルバニア大学医学部への留学を経て、慶應義塾大学教授(保健管理センター)、独立行政法人国立精神・神経医療研究センター認知行動療法センターセンター長を経た後、顧問。近年、精神医療の現場で注目されている認知療法の日本における第一人者で、国際的な学術団体Academy of Cognitive Therapyの公認スーパーバイザーであり、日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会理事長、日本ストレス学会理事長など、諸学会の要職を務める
精神科医。一般社団法人認知行動療法研修開発センター理事長。ストレスマネジメントネットワーク代表。1978年、慶應義塾大学医学部卒業と同時に、同大学の精神神経学教室に入室。その後、コーネル大学医学部、ペンシルバニア大学医学部への留学を経て、慶應義塾大学教授(保健管理センター)、独立行政法人国立精神・神経医療研究センター認知行動療法センターセンター長を経た後、顧問。近年、精神医療の現場で注目されている認知療法の日本における第一人者で、国際的な学術団体Academy of Cognitive Therapyの公認スーパーバイザーであり、日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会理事長、日本ストレス学会理事長など、諸学会の要職を務める
26836.think twice((実際に行動を起こす前に)吟味する)to consider carefully before deciding (about something)
Well, this may sound obvious, but you should think twice before you post or share anything online.
26837.That's reminds me(それを思い出しました)
That's reminds me. I need to get some cash from ATM
26838.speaking of(~と言えば)You can say speaking of something that has just been mentioned as a way of introducing a new topic which has some connection with that thing.
Speaking of foods, I'm starving.
26839.take me back to(思い出させる)
That take me back to my high school days.
26840.bring to mind(思い出させる) If something brings another thing to mind or calls another thing to mind, it makes you think of that other thing, usually because it is similar in some way.
That song brings to mind really happy memories?
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Well, this may sound obvious, but you should think twice before you post or share anything online.
26837.That's reminds me(それを思い出しました)
That's reminds me. I need to get some cash from ATM
26838.speaking of(~と言えば)You can say speaking of something that has just been mentioned as a way of introducing a new topic which has some connection with that thing.
Speaking of foods, I'm starving.
26839.take me back to(思い出させる)
That take me back to my high school days.
26840.bring to mind(思い出させる) If something brings another thing to mind or calls another thing to mind, it makes you think of that other thing, usually because it is similar in some way.
That song brings to mind really happy memories?
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26831.grade(成績)If something is graded, its quality is judged, and it is often given a number or a name that indicates how good or bad it is.
So, my grades were bad and I thought I was a bad student.
26832.lovely(美しい、かわいらしい、快い)If you describe someone or something as lovely, you mean that they are very beautiful and therefore pleasing to look at or listen to.
Lovely day, isn't it?
26833.changing the subject(話は変わりますが)
Changing the subject, did you know that Tom is dating Masami?
26834.bystander(傍観者、居合わせた人、見物人)A bystander is a person who is present when something happens and who sees it but does not take part in it.
It says "Be a Good Bystander."
26835.chip in((協賛して)お金や労力などを出し合う) When a number of people chip in, each person gives some money so that they can pay for something together.
If any of you could chip in, I'd really appreciate it.
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So, my grades were bad and I thought I was a bad student.
26832.lovely(美しい、かわいらしい、快い)If you describe someone or something as lovely, you mean that they are very beautiful and therefore pleasing to look at or listen to.
Lovely day, isn't it?
26833.changing the subject(話は変わりますが)
Changing the subject, did you know that Tom is dating Masami?
26834.bystander(傍観者、居合わせた人、見物人)A bystander is a person who is present when something happens and who sees it but does not take part in it.
It says "Be a Good Bystander."
26835.chip in((協賛して)お金や労力などを出し合う) When a number of people chip in, each person gives some money so that they can pay for something together.
If any of you could chip in, I'd really appreciate it.
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26826.pencile in (予定に入れておく)
Pencil me in for Saturday morning for now. If something comes up, I'll let you know right away.
26827.put it (down) on my calendar(その日を予定に入れておく)
Our monthly staff meeting is next Friday at 3pm. Make sure you put that on your calendar.
26828.across the board (全面的な)
Our company is planning to cut budgets across the board.
26829.On the whole(全体的に見ると~)You use on the whole to indicate that what you are saying is true in general but may not be true in every case, or that you are giving a general opinion or summary of something.
On the whole, I think it was a constructive negotiation.
26830.bite the bullet(歯を食いしばって耐える) to face up to (pain, trouble, etc) with fortitude; be stoical
We are just going to have to bite the bullet and make the best of it.
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Pencil me in for Saturday morning for now. If something comes up, I'll let you know right away.
26827.put it (down) on my calendar(その日を予定に入れておく)
Our monthly staff meeting is next Friday at 3pm. Make sure you put that on your calendar.
26828.across the board (全面的な)
Our company is planning to cut budgets across the board.
26829.On the whole(全体的に見ると~)You use on the whole to indicate that what you are saying is true in general but may not be true in every case, or that you are giving a general opinion or summary of something.
On the whole, I think it was a constructive negotiation.
26830.bite the bullet(歯を食いしばって耐える) to face up to (pain, trouble, etc) with fortitude; be stoical
We are just going to have to bite the bullet and make the best of it.
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We now turn to a wining-and-dining scandal here in Japan. The communications minister has reprimanded 11 officials for violating the ethics code.
The officials were repeatedly entertained by the eldest son of Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide. Suga Seigo works for a firm involved in satellite broadcasting.
(Suga Yoshihide / Japanese Prime Minister)
"I apologize that my eldest son was involved in actions that caused a public servant to violate the national public service ethics law. I deeply apologize to the public."
The communications ministry announced disciplinary penalties of pay cuts against five senior officials and two lower-level officials.
Two other lower-level officials were admonished. One was reprimanded, and the other was given the equivalent of a reprimand.
In addition, Minister Takeda Ryota will voluntarily return three months' worth of wages.
The ministry drew up measures to prevent similar violations.
◆wine-and-dine 酒食でもてなす、飲食で接待する to entertain or be entertained with wine and fine food
◆reprimand 叱責する、けん責する、訓告する、処分する If someone is reprimanded, they are spoken to angrily or seriously for doing something wrong, usually by a person in authority.
◆violate (規則に)違反する、(規則を)破る If someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it.
◆eldest son 長男
◆disciplinary 懲戒的な、懲罰の Disciplinary bodies or actions are concerned with making sure that people obey rules or regulations and that they are punished if they do not.
The officials were repeatedly entertained by the eldest son of Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide. Suga Seigo works for a firm involved in satellite broadcasting.
(Suga Yoshihide / Japanese Prime Minister)
"I apologize that my eldest son was involved in actions that caused a public servant to violate the national public service ethics law. I deeply apologize to the public."
The communications ministry announced disciplinary penalties of pay cuts against five senior officials and two lower-level officials.
Two other lower-level officials were admonished. One was reprimanded, and the other was given the equivalent of a reprimand.
In addition, Minister Takeda Ryota will voluntarily return three months' worth of wages.
The ministry drew up measures to prevent similar violations.
◆wine-and-dine 酒食でもてなす、飲食で接待する to entertain or be entertained with wine and fine food
◆reprimand 叱責する、けん責する、訓告する、処分する If someone is reprimanded, they are spoken to angrily or seriously for doing something wrong, usually by a person in authority.
◆violate (規則に)違反する、(規則を)破る If someone violates an agreement, law, or promise, they break it.
◆eldest son 長男
◆disciplinary 懲戒的な、懲罰の Disciplinary bodies or actions are concerned with making sure that people obey rules or regulations and that they are punished if they do not.
◆admonish 訓戒する、戒告する If you admonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong.
◆draw up (計画などを)立案する、策定する If you draw up a document, list, or plan, you prepare it and write it out.
26821.call someone over(人を呼び寄せる)
Let’s call the server over and get the check. .
26822.left alone (独りでいる)
Sometimes I just want to be left alone.
26823.Pan out(うまくいく / 報われる / 功を奏する) If something, for example a project or some information, pans out, it produces something useful or valuable.
It was a great idea but it just didn't pan out.
26824.Come along (順調に進む)If something is coming along, it is developing or making progress
How's the project coming along?
26825.lI'm curious about (〜に興味をそそられる・〜に心引かれる) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
Can we let bygones be bygones?
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Let’s call the server over and get the check. .
26822.left alone (独りでいる)
Sometimes I just want to be left alone.
26823.Pan out(うまくいく / 報われる / 功を奏する) If something, for example a project or some information, pans out, it produces something useful or valuable.
It was a great idea but it just didn't pan out.
26824.Come along (順調に進む)If something is coming along, it is developing or making progress
How's the project coming along?
26825.lI'm curious about (〜に興味をそそられる・〜に心引かれる) If two people let bygones be bygones, they decide to forget about unpleasant things that have happened between them in the past.
Can we let bygones be bygones?
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大納言法印の召使いだった乙鶴丸は、やすら殿という人と仲が良かった。いつも遊びに出かけるので、法印が、乙鶴丸が帰宅した時に「どこをほっつき歩いているのだ」と尋問した。「やすら殿のお宅へ遊びに行っていました」と答えるので、法印は「やすら殿は、毛が生えているのか? それとも坊主か?」と再尋問した。乙鶴丸は、袖をスリスリしながら「さあ、どうでしょう。頭を拝見したことが無いもので」と答えた。
26816.Eat like a bird(少食である)to eat very little food
You're stuffed already? You barely ate. You eat like a bird.
26817.Eat like a horse(大食いである)to eat a lot because you have a large appetite
You're going to eat a pizza too? You eat like a horse!
26818.eat like a pig(ガツガツ食べる) to eat a lot of food, usually in a greedy or disgusting manner
You're such a messy eater. You eat like a pig. You're so disgusting.
26819.attentive(気配りができる)If you are attentive, you are paying close attention to what is being said or done. /Someone who is attentive is helpful and polite.
To be a good communicator, you must be an attentive listener.
26820.check in on someone(確認する)
I should check in on my grandma and see how she’s doing.
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You're stuffed already? You barely ate. You eat like a bird.
26817.Eat like a horse(大食いである)to eat a lot because you have a large appetite
You're going to eat a pizza too? You eat like a horse!
26818.eat like a pig(ガツガツ食べる) to eat a lot of food, usually in a greedy or disgusting manner
You're such a messy eater. You eat like a pig. You're so disgusting.
26819.attentive(気配りができる)If you are attentive, you are paying close attention to what is being said or done. /Someone who is attentive is helpful and polite.
To be a good communicator, you must be an attentive listener.
26820.check in on someone(確認する)
I should check in on my grandma and see how she’s doing.
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26811.care about(かまう)
A great man doesn't care about his appearance.
26812.prioritize((…を)優先させる、(…に)優先権を与える)If you prioritize something, you treat it as more important than other things.
The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.
26813.productive(生産力を有する、製造力のある、生産的な)Something that is productive of a situation or feeling creates it.
People need to productive.
26814.distract(散らす、そらす、転ずる)If something distracts you or your attention from something, it takes your attention away from it.
It's distracting to hear other people talking
26815.uncomfortable(気まずい)If you are uncomfortable, you are slightly worried or embarrassed, and not relaxed and confident.
It's uncomfortable to sit quietly with my friends.
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A great man doesn't care about his appearance.
26812.prioritize((…を)優先させる、(…に)優先権を与える)If you prioritize something, you treat it as more important than other things.
The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.
26813.productive(生産力を有する、製造力のある、生産的な)Something that is productive of a situation or feeling creates it.
People need to productive.
26814.distract(散らす、そらす、転ずる)If something distracts you or your attention from something, it takes your attention away from it.
It's distracting to hear other people talking
26815.uncomfortable(気まずい)If you are uncomfortable, you are slightly worried or embarrassed, and not relaxed and confident.
It's uncomfortable to sit quietly with my friends.
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