

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/15)

2022年05月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
28661.crazy(すごい、やばい)  very strange or not sensible SYN mad
The party last night is crazy
28662.messed up(めちゃくちゃ、ひどい)someone who is messed up has emotional or mental problems because of something that has happened to them
My phone is really messed up. I can't even call anyone.
28663.shoot(しまった、ヤバッ)to use all of something and not have any more left
Oh,shoot. I left my wallet at home.
28664.people pleaser(八方美人、お人よし)
For a people pleaser,"no" is the hardest word to say. 
28665.to a fault(過度に、欠点と言えるほど)extremely generous, loyal etc
It's good to be kind, but don't be kind to a fault

通訳者たちの見た戦後史 月面着陸から大学入試まで

2022年05月14日 | 読書日記
【 内容】
日本人は開国とともにやってきた英語と、どう向き合ってきたのか? アポロの月面着陸の生中継で同時通訳者としてテレビデビューし、NHKの英会話番組に長年出演する著者が、自らの来し方と先人たちの軌跡を辿り、戦後秘史を紐解く。進駐軍との交流から英語教育論争まで、英語との付き合いは日本現代史そのものだった! 第一人者による、体験的英語論の必読書。『戦後史の中の英語と私』改題。
第1章 英語との出会い
第2章 一九六〇年代とアメリカ
第3章 アポロ宇宙中継と大阪万博、そして沖縄返還
第4章 偶然の積み重ね 通訳から大学英語教育という世界へ
第5章 「通訳者」という存在
第6章 教育そして教師というもの
第7章 生涯学習を実践する
第8章 メディア英語講座と私
第9章 言葉へのこだわり
第10章 思い込みからの脱却
解説 阿部公彦


【 著者】




上智大ソフィア会元会長諸橋晋六 70歳の時の日記

我が時代の英語を勉強していた学生のアイドルだった彼女が76歳で立教大学名誉教授。Time flies!  。青春時代の世相とわが人生に思いをはせながら読ませていただきました。

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/14)

2022年05月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
28656.top form(最高の状態) an amount of something that is available to be used
This should be an exciting race. The runners are all in top form.
28657.inventory(在庫全体、目録)a list of all the things in a place/American English all the goods in a shop SYN stock
I need to check the inventory for a video camera. 
28658.swimmingly(すらすらと、とんとん拍子に)if something you plan goes swimmingly, it happens without problems
For a while, business seemed to be going swimmingly
28659.flawless(欠点のない、完璧な)having no mistakes or marks, or not lacking anything SYN perfect 
There's no such thing as a flawless person. 
28660.by a nose(鼻の差で、かろうじて)if a horse wins a race by a nose, it only just wins
Rein won the race by a nose 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/13)

2022年05月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
28651.click(意気投合する) if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other
We clicked immediattely, andthree weeks later , we were married.
28652.compatible(相性がいい、気が合ってる)two people that are compatible are able to have a good relationship because they have similar opinions or interests → compatibility
I still haven't found someone I'm compatible with. 
28653.rapport(信頼しあう関係、j心が通いあうこと)friendly agreement and understanding between people → relationship
Doctor RIveira has an excellent rapport with his patients.
28654.go well(うまくいく)
Are things going well at your new job?. 
28655.on a roll(勢いに乗って、絶好調で) to be having a lot of success with what you are trying to do
Katie hasn’t misseda question yet. She's on a rol

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/12)

2022年05月12日 | Daily Vocabulary
28645.get started (始めましょう )
Is everyone ready to get started? 
28646.get straight to the point (すぐ要点(本題)に入リましょう )
Don't beat around the bush. Just get straight to the point. 
28647.pull the plug (起こるか、続けるのを防ぐ )informal to prevent a plan, business etc from being able to continue, especially by deciding not to give it any more money
This project is going nowhere. I think it's time to pull the plug
28648.chitchat (世間話、雑談 )to look like or be similar to someone or something 
Enough chitchatting. Can we get down business? 
28649.go nowhere (行き詰まる )to have no success or make no progress 
If I am dismissed at this juncture, I shall have nowhere to go. 
28650.over small things (つまらないことで)
Why do you and your boyfriend always fight over small things?  

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/11)

2022年05月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
28641.On the whole (全体として / 総合的に考えてみると ) used to say that something is generally true
On the whole, it was a pretty poor presentation. 
28642.All things considered (全体として / 総合的に考えてみると )when you consider all the parts or events of a situation
All things considered, I think we did pretty well. 
28643.in the works (計画中 / 進行中 / 準備中 )
The new project is in the works
28644.ongoing (進行中の )continuing, or continuing to develop 
There is an ongoing debate over this issue. 
28645.get down to business (本題に入りましょう )to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
Enough chitchatting. Can we get down to business

徒然草 第百五十一段

2022年05月10日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/10)

2022年05月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
28636. I don't know about ( 微妙 / イマイチ  )
I don't know about this restaurant.
28637.I have mixed feelings about (微妙 / なんとも言えない / 甲乙つけがたい )
I have mixed feelings about this restaurant. The food is great but the service is terrible. 
28638.iffy (あやふやな、疑わしい、条件つきの )not certain to happen SYN doubtful/British English not very good
The weather is iffy today. 
28639.subtle (微妙な / わずかな )not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention OPP obvious 
There's a subtle difference in nuance. 
28640.tentatively (一応 ) not definite or certain, because you may want to change things SYN provisional OPP definite
The event is tentatively planned for July 10th. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/09)

2022年05月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
28631.hate with a passion (大嫌い)
I hate tomato with a passion. I can’t stand the texture.
28632.grow on someone (だんだん好きになる)
The longer you live here, the more you’ll like it. It’s a place that grows on you
28633.creep up on someone (じわじわくる )
Don’t overwork yourself. Stress can really creep up on you.
28634.defective (欠陥のある)not made properly, or not working properly SYN faulty 
It’s a defective tablet. You should go back and exchange it for a new one 
28635.trigger a memory (記憶が蘇る )to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
Have you ever had a time when a smell triggered a memory for you?

Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/08)

2022年05月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
28626.impersonate(人にまねをする、なりすます)to pretend to be someone else by copying their appearance, voice, and behaviour, especially in order to deceive people/ to copy someone’s voice and behaviour, especially in order to make people laugh
Can you impersonate any famous people?
28627.highlight(強調する、明らかにする、浮き彫りにする)to make a problem or subject easy to notice so that people pay attention to it/to mark written words with a special coloured pen, or in a different colour on a computer
I'd like to highlight the main points of today's presentation again. 
28628.fulfill(果たす、実現する) if you fulfil a hope, wish, or aim, you achieve the thing that you hoped for, wished for etc
As the city's PR person, you have a key duty to fulfill
28629.seize(つかむ、とらえる) to take hold of something suddenly and violently SYN grab 
When the lead actor quit the film, HIyori seized the opportunity. 
Did you report the incident to the police


2022年05月07日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】
1954(昭和29)年、山梨県に生まれる。日本大学芸術学部を卒業後、コピーライターとして活躍。82年のエッセイ集「ルンルンを買っておうちに帰ろ う」がベストセラーとなる。86年「最終便に間に合えば」「京都まで」で第94回直木賞を受賞。95年「白蓮れんれん」で第8回柴田錬三郎賞、98年「み んなの秘密」で第32回吉川英治文学賞を受賞



Daily Vocabulary(2022/05/07)

2022年05月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
28621.supply(消耗する備品) an amount of something that is available to be used
I keep supplies like paper and pens in my bottom drawer.
28622.inventory(在庫全体、目録)a list of all the things in a place/American English all the goods in a shop SYN stock
I need to check the inventory for a video camera. 
28623.run out(使い果たす、切れる)to use all of something and not have any more left
I just ran out of staples. Can I borrow some?
28624.resemble(似ている)to look like or be similar to someone or something 
IWow, you really resemble your dad. 
28625.tell apart(見分ける)to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
I can never tell those twins apart