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2016-10-30 08:06:34 | D

  今年のノーベル文学賞を授賞決定後、沈黙を続けていたアメリカのシンガー・ソングライターのアメリカのBob Dylan1941- )が、イギリスの新聞The Telegraphで受賞の意向を示した。


Practical Example

 “Isn’t that something…?” Bob Dylan isn’t exactly making a big deal out of being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. But at least the 1960s trailblazer is finally acknowledging his becoming the first musician to be granted admission to the world’s most elite literary club.


 Isn’t that something?(大したことだ), make a big deal out of... (…を大騒ぎする), trailblazer(先駆者、開拓者)などの表現は、ぜひ覚えておきたい。

Extra Point


Extra Example

  There’s a lot of things I’d like to do,” he says. “I’d like to drive a race car on the Indianapolis track. I’d like to kick a field goal in an NFL football game. I’d like to be able to hit a hundred-mile-an-hour baseball. But you have to know your place. There might be some things that are beyond your talents.

  Everything worth doing takes time. You have to write a hundred bad songs before you write one good one. And you have to sacrifice a lot of things that you might not be prepared for. Like it or not, you are in this alone and have to follow your own star.”




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