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2018-03-22 08:14:18 | T

  本日も『図解実践 世界最高の学級経営 The Classroom Management Book--成果を上げる教師になるための50の技術-』(ハリー・ウォン、ローズマリー・ウォン著、稲垣みどり訳、東洋館出版社)で見つけた気になる英語表現を紹介しよう。



Practical Example

A Classroom Management Plan consists of a series of practices and procedures that a teacher uses to maintain an effective environment in which instruction and learning can occur. It’s an operational manual for the classroom. It’s a step-by-step guide for how to run a classroom.


A classroom management plan is a living document that changes as needed. Plans grow with need as situations present themselves in the classroom. Effective teachers are like fashion designers, graphic artists, and electronic engineers who are constantly tweaking their designs to attract new audiences and customers. With each new group of students, your classroom management plan will be tweaked to increase the chances for student success.


Extra Point


Extra Example

Research shows that sixteen percent of new teachers never make it beyond their first year of teaching and fifty percent will not make it beyond five years. Yet, effective teachers keep teaching year after year because they never stop designing and tweaking their classroom management plans for both teacher and student success.


 この教師は学校の教師のみならず、英会話の講師、英検の講師、TOEIC L&R, Speaking and Writingの講師、TOEFl iBTの講師、予備校の講師、そしてわたしのような翻訳の講師などなど、あらゆる教師をあてはめることができることだろう。『図解実践 世界最高の学級経営 The Classroom Management Book--成果を上げる教師になるための50の技術-』は教師に対する基調はアドバイスがぎっしり詰まった1冊だ。


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