all of a pieceは慣用句で、「一貫性がある」「全体として統一されている」。『リーダーズ』には、「分割できない, 一続きの; 首尾一貫した」とある。
○Practical Expression
"The paintings in this gallery are all of a piece with the artist’s minimalist style."
"That’s true. Each work complements the others perfectly."
"Her speech was calm, logical, and persuasive—all of a piece with her personality."
"Kyoko’s always so composed, even under pressure."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"The story’s themes and characters are all of a piece with the author’s previous works."
"It’s like a continuation of her earlier novels."
"The design of the new building is all of a piece with the surrounding architecture."
"It blends in beautifully with the neighborhood."