

An English Abstract for “The Making of a Man”(1)

2020-07-12 23:00:07 | The Gambler

An English Abstract for “The Making of a Man” of

The Gambler: How Penniless Dropout Kirk Kerkorian Became the Greatest Deal Maker in Capitalist History (1)

by Hayato Uesugi

*I don’t know why, but we cannot use the word “gambling” on the Goo blog. I changed the word to “G” in all three articles “An English Abstract for ‘The Making of a Man’ of The Gambler: How Penniless Dropout Kirk Kerkorian Became the Greatest Deal Maker in Capitalist History” (1)(2)(3). Sorry for your inconvenience.

Born in an Armenian family and moved to Los Angeles as a penniless boy.

Kirk Kerkorian was born on June 6 in 1917 in Fresno, California. He was the youngest son of Armenian immigrant parents, Ahron and Lily. Kirk had two brother Art and Nish and sister Rose.

In the early 20th century, Ahron Kerkorian followed his father Kasper and arrived on Ellis Island in New York before arriving in California. Ahron, a teenager in those days, was so ambitious that he wanted to be a millionaire in this country in the future.

Ahron started a business buying fruits from local farmers and selling them in the cities, and it went quite well.  He married Lily from Armenia, and they were blessed with four children, including Kirk.

Although having been illiterate, Ahron Kerkorian became well-known as a fruit seller around the San Joaquin River, where he lived with his family in those days.  However, his sailing was not always smooth. With a large debt on Ahron’s shoulders, the family lost everything, including their family farm, when Kirk was 5-year-old. They were forced to move to Los Angeles and start  over. Kirk only spoke Armenian then, but learned English by himself, while selling newspapers on the street. In 1926, he was nine years old.

(The translator wrote about the Kerkorians’ history in more detail.)

Dropped out of school and became a boxer

Kirk dropped out of school education in his eighth grade in the early 1930s during the Great Depression.  After that, he began working like his other brothers and sisters to support his family by playing a golf caddy or selling oranges on the streets. His brother Nish started earning money as a boxer under the name “American Assassin.”

Kirk had a close friend named Norman Hungerford in those days. Kirk and Norman worked as porters at the MGM studio in Culver City at night. At that time, Kirk never dreamed that he would buy this studio.

By performing a range of physical labor, Kirk's body gained plenty of muscle. Nish   invited his brawny brother to boxing. Kirk demonstrated his talent as a boxer under the ring name “Rifle Right” Kerkorian, and set a record of 33 wins in 37 rounds without any knockout defeats by mid-1939.  However, because he was so thin, Kirk would suffer serious damage like his brother, Nish. He decided to leave the ring at the age of 22.

Becoming an Airplane Pilot

Kirk Kerkorian’s next love was flying. After having studied at a local aeronautical school, he became a commercial pilot. In the 1940s, airplane pilots were urgently needed for the future war. Kirk then got a job teaching future pilots in California.

There were also changes in his personal life. He married Peggy on January 24, 1942. He was 24. Later, Kirk and his new wife, Peggy moved to Montreal in the spring of 1943 to take a job at the Royal Air Force. He. He demonstrated excellent maneuverability there, and performed a number of difficult tasks over the Atlantic Ocean.

Flying in the sky was always precarious. Traveling to Scotland in early June 1944 was extremely dangerous. He escaped death by the skin of my teeth in the accident then.

(The Translator wrote more about episode about Kirk’s adventure as a pilot.)

Launched an Air Transport Business and Focused on Las Vegas

Kirk was thinking of something else in the spring of 1945 after the War. He came to meet Water Sharp, the manager at the Witter Boulevard branch of Bank of America, to seek finance. He purchased a plane and tried to launch an air transport business.  Las Vegas had been developing after the war, and while luxurious hotels were being built, nightclubs and casinos were being lined up in the Las Vegas Strip. “G” was legal in this city.

Kirk Kerkorian found this city exciting. He started a business to fly people from Los Angeles to Las Vegas and visited the city of Nevada every week with customers on a purchased plane. Kirk was immediately captivated by “G”. One of his “G” associates at that time was Jerry Williams, who frequently used Kirk's air transport service.  He and his company were also honored to be patronized by the famous actor John Wayne. 

Kirk's business became thriving enough to buy additional aircraft. He decided to hire a pilot he met during the RAF era.

In 1947, he borrowed $15,000 from Bank of America and $5,000 from his sister Rose, and put the money towards his purchase of an airline for $ 60,000. Kirk Kerkorian finally launched his airline company, Los Angeles Air Service.

Kirk was at just 30 years of age.

(The translator wrote more about his first company, Los Angeles Air Service.)

To be continued to

An English Abstract for “The Making of a man” of  The Gambler: How Penniless Dropout Kirk Kerkorian Became the Greatest Deal Maker in Capitalist History (2)

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