○Practical Example
"It's so bizarre. Fumiko married Shizuo, even though she hated him at first."
"Why is that bizarre? Shizuo is a great guy, and he loves her very much."
●Extra Point
同じ意味で使われる単語に、weird(不思議な、気味の悪い、この世のものとも思えない;[口語表現で] 変な、奇妙な、へんちくりんな)がある。
◎Extra Example
"It's really weird. Fumiko hated Shizuo, and now they're married."
"Not so weird, when you think about it. A lot of people hate each in the beginning, then fall in love."
誰かのことを「関心を持っている」(to be concerned about someone)というのは、その人のことを「心にかける、心配する」ということである。
○Practical Example
"I'm really concerned about Belinda. She seems to be so nervous all the time."
"She's under a lot of stress right now. I'm very concerned about her too."
●Extra Point
もちろん、to be concerned aboutは、人だけでなく、「出来事」を心配していることも表現できる。
◎Extra Example
"I'm really concerned about the situation in the Middle East."
"I'm concerned, too. It's unlikely to get better soon."
○Practical Example
"It's likely that Shizuo and Fumiko will be married next year."
"Yeah, they seem to really be in love."
●Extra Point
反意語はunlikely. こちらも非常によく使われる。
◎Extra Example
"When do you think the war in Iraq will end?"
"If you ask me, it's unlikely to end soon. It's a real mess."
if you ask meは、「わたしの考えでは、わたしに言わせれば」。
「誰かにきついことばを突きつける」(to put the hard word on someone)というのは、「人に頼みごとをする」とか、「無理なお願いをする」こと。
○Practical Example
"My parents are putting the hard word on me to become a doctor."
"But, Nobuo, you don't want to be a doctor, do you?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Point
"Look, Shizuo, I don't want to go out with you, okay? Stop putting the hard word on me all the time."
"But, Fumiko, I really like you. Won't you have dinner with me just once?"
誰かにゆっくり急がずやってほしい、こちらのペースにあわせてほしい、と言う時は、to take your timeという表現を使う。
○Practical Example
"Take your time, Yuka. There's no need to hurry on that job."
"Thank you, Mr. Harvey. I need a bit of time to finish it."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"I took my time on the job and it came out great."
"Good work, Yuka. Now you need some time off!"
to take time offは、「休みを取る、休暇を取る」。
「何かにゴーサインを出す(to give something a go)というのは、「いっちょうやってみる」ということ。
○Practical Example
"I may not be able to finish the marathon, but I'm going to give it a go."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Sure. Give it a go, Fumiko. I'm sure you'll be able to finish the marathon."
to go to bedは、「寝る」(to go to sleep)。
○Practical Example
"Go to bed now. It's way too late for you to be up, Genjiro."
"Can't I just finish this movie, mom? Please?"
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
(in bed)"I want to go to bed now, mom. Please turn off the TV!"
"You go to bed, Genjiro. Mommy wants to finish watching this late-night movie."
英語では、このように「シャワーを取る」と言う。だからぼくは日本に初めてきたとき、“I took a shower.”の意味で、「シャワーを取った」と思わず言ってしまった。一体、この外人さんは「どこでシャワーを引っこ抜いたんだ?」とか、「どこでシャワーをかっぱらったんだ?」と思われたことだろう。
○Practical Example
"How many showers do you take a day, Gus?"
"In summer I take three showers a day, because I really sweat a lot."
●Extra Point
「お風呂に入る」と言う時も、to take a bathとto takeを使う。 また、英語のbackacheは、日本語では、「腰痛」、あるいは「腰が痛い」と言うのが普通だろうか。
◎Extra Example
"I really need to take a bath tonight. My back is killing me."
"There's nothing better for a bad back than a good hot bath."
killing meは、「ひどく痛がらせる」。しかし、実際に殺されてしまうわけではない。
これは電車に乗る時によく使われる表現。そしてto catch a plane(飛行機に乗る)、to catch a taxi(タクシーに乗る、つかまえる)でも同じようにto takeが使われる。
○Practical Example
"What time are you going to leave Tokyo, Sue?"
"I'm going to catch a train at 8:30. I want to catch an early train to get to Kyoto for lunch."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"What happened, Sue?"
"I didn't catch an early train and I got into Kyoto way after lunch."
way after(あるいはway past)は、long after(あるいはlong past)とも言えて、「だいぶ過ぎて、だいぶ遅れて」。
○Practical Example
"Where are you from, Helen?"
"I'm originally from Ireland, but I was brought up in South Africa."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Did you always want to be an eye doctor, Dr. Hamaoka?"
"No. I originally wanted to be an airline pilot. But my eyes weren't good enough."
to enableは、「……できるようにする、可能にする」。
○Practical Example
"This iPod enables me to hear any song I want to."
●Extra Point
able to(……しうる、……できる)も似たような意味だが、使い方がちょっと違う。enableは動詞だが、ableは形容詞でto be able toの形で使われる。
◎Extra Example
"John, how were you able to make the trip to Denmark last summer?"
"Money from my grandmother enabled me to go. Without that, I wouldn't have gone."
「何かに取り付かれている」(to be obsessed with something)ときは、「いつもあれこれ悩む、気に病む、くよくよする」ことになる。to be obsessed withとwithが付く形でよく使われる。
○Practical Example
"Hiroko is obsessed with Aaron."
"Yeah, all she does is talk about him. I'm getting worried about her."
●Extra Point
◎Extra Example
"Aaron is a kind of obsession."
"Yeah, Hiroko is crazy about him."
何かを「あることを話題にする」(to bring up a subject)のは、「(問題・議案などを)持ち出す(to introduce)」こと。
○Practical Example
"Hidetaro suddenly brought up the problem of money."
"Yeah, I know. He said that we might not have enough money for the trip."
●Extra Point
受身形to be brought upも同じ意味で用いられる。
◎Extra Example
"The problem of money was brought up by Hidetaro."
"He's always bringing up money. That guy is obsessed with money!"
明日のGetUpEnglishでは、そのto be obsessedの用法を説明します。
to bring upで、「育てる、しつける」。
○Practical Example
"Stuart brought up his children in Japan because he considered it a good country for children."
●Extra Point
to be brought up と、受身形でもよく使われる。
◎Extra Point
"Where were you brought up, Christine?"
"I was brought up in Japan. My parents considered Japan a good country for children."
明日のGetUpEnglishでは、同じto bring upでもまったく違う意味の用例をご紹介します。