『ディズニー ヴィランズ タロット』に続いて、今度は……
『ディズニー ふしぎの国のアリス タロット』!
In 2022, Disney Villains Tarot Deck and Guidebook was released. This year, Disney Alice in Wonderland Tarot Deck and Guidebook is making its debut!
Includes a short introduction for each character in Alice in Wonderland.
マッドハッターは風変わりなお茶会(マッド・ティーパーティー)を開催する。3月うさぎとは仲よしで 一緒にお茶を楽しんでいる。マッドハッターは白うさぎを追いかけるアリスをお茶会に誘う。
The Mad Hatter hosts an unusual event known as the 'Mad Tea Party,' where he enjoys tea with his close friend, the March Hare. He invites Alice to join them while she is in pursuit of the White Rabbit.
The mischievous Cheshire Cat is a peculiar cat with a pink and violet striped body, always wearing a grin. It appears and disappears suddenly, leaving Alice bewildered with its mischievous behavior.
The Queen of Hearts is an ill-tempered and bossy character who is quick to shout “Off with their heads!” She invites Alice to play croquet, but her subjects try to ensure that the Queen wins.
Under a big tree, Alice's sister is reading a book and encourages Alice to do the same. However, Alice quickly grows bored and leaves her sister to wander off with her pet cat, Dinah. While wandering, Alice spots a white rabbit running with a large pocket watch and finds herself unknowingly pursuing the rabbit.
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are cheerful twin brothers who bounce around with Alice in Wonderland as she chases the White Rabbit. They entertain her by singing and sharing a story “The Walrus and the Carpenter.”
After eating a cookie with the words “Eat Me” written on it, Alice suddenly grows in size and fears she won't be able to leave this world. Overwhelmed with despair, she weeps, creating a sea of tears.