

Never On Sunday - Connie Francis

2011年08月29日 | 感動の映画音楽
Never On Sunday - Connie Francis

Oh, you can kiss me on a Monday,
a Monday, a Monday
is very very good.
Or you can kiss me on a Tuesday,
a Tuesday, a Tuesday,
in fact I wish you would
Or you can kiss me on a Wednesday,
a Thursday, a Friday
and Saturday is best,
But never, never on a Sunday,
a Sunday, a Sunday,
'cause that's my day of rest
Most any day, you can be my guest,
Any day you say, but my day of rest.
Just name the day that you like the best,
Only stay away on my day of rest.
Oh you can kiss me on a cool day,
a hot day, a wet day,
whichever one you choose.
Or try to kiss me on a gray day,
a May day, a pay day,
and see if I refuse.
And if you make it on a bleak day,
a freak day, a weekday,
why you can be my guest.
But never, never on a Sunday,
a Sunday, the one day
I need a little rest.
. . . . . .
Oh you can kiss me on a week,
day a week, day a week,
days a day to be my guest
But never, never on a Sunday,
a Sunday, a Sunday,
'cause that's my day of rest
[fade out]
But never, never on a Sunday,
a Sunday, a Sunday,
'cause that's my day of rest...

Daily Vocabulary(2011/08/29)

2011年08月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
11651.steep learning curve(早い学習速度、短期間で多くを学習する)
My wife and I climbed a very steep leraning curve.
11652.tricky minefield(難しいやっかいなこと)
I know that can be quite a tricky minefield to navigate.
11653.head on(ま正面から)
Many people don't have the intestinal fortitude to confront that crucial question head on.
11654.factor in(~を計算に入れる、~を要素として含める)
Another very important variable that needs to be factored in how long you expect to live.
You need to itemize your usual expenses, m ortgage and so on.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

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合掌 礼拝。