11661.be in good physical shape(体調がいい、健康である)
You are in good physical shape.
11662.make a point of(~するようにしている)
I always make a point of working out at the gym at least twice a week.
I should forgo my usual Milk in the morning from now on.
11664.positive, upbeat(前向きで、明るい)
Knowing how to develop and maintain a positive, upbeat frame of mind is important foe retirees.
Having a good network of friends and acquaintances is important for retirees.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第二十五番御岳山清水寺/兵庫県加東市(2010/12/06)

8/22 マンダリン オリエンタルホテル東京 和朝食
You are in good physical shape.
11662.make a point of(~するようにしている)
I always make a point of working out at the gym at least twice a week.
I should forgo my usual Milk in the morning from now on.
11664.positive, upbeat(前向きで、明るい)
Knowing how to develop and maintain a positive, upbeat frame of mind is important foe retirees.
Having a good network of friends and acquaintances is important for retirees.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

西国三十三ヶ所 第二十五番御岳山清水寺/兵庫県加東市(2010/12/06)

8/22 マンダリン オリエンタルホテル東京 和朝食