

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/02)

2021年08月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
27241.far better(〜よりもずっと良い)
This hotel is far better than the last one. 
27242.so far(今のところ)until now
I'm really enjoying my new job so far. It's been challenging but rewarding. 
27243.by far(断然)used to say that something is much better, worse etc than anything else
He is by far the funniest person that I've ever met. 
27244.work out(うまくいく) out to think carefully about how you are going to do something and plan a good way of doing it 
That’s great news! I’m glad it all worked out
27245.as long as(〜さえすれば) used to say that one thing will continue to happen or be true if another thing happens or is true at the same time
It's OK to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.