I'm Beginning To See The Light - Ella Fitzgerald
27276.read between the lines(空気を読む / 行間を読む / 場の雰囲気を汲み取る)to guess someone’s real feelings from something they say or write, when they do not tell you directly
If you read between the lines, you can understand what he really means.
27277.understand the situation(空気を読む / 状況を察する / 場の雰囲気を読む)
You have to understand the situation.
27278.annoying(うざい/うっとおしい/ムカつく)making you feel slightly angry 類義語 irritating
That guy on the phone is so annoying!
If you read between the lines, you can understand what he really means.
27277.understand the situation(空気を読む / 状況を察する / 場の雰囲気を読む)
You have to understand the situation.
27278.annoying(うざい/うっとおしい/ムカつく)making you feel slightly angry 類義語 irritating
That guy on the phone is so annoying!
27279.get on (someone’s) nerves (イライラさせる/イラつく/腹が立つ )informal if someone gets on your nerves, they annoy you, especially by doing something all the time
She really gets on my nerves.
27280.bug (someone) (うざい/うっとうしい)
Please stop bugging me.
27280.bug (someone) (うざい/うっとうしい)
Please stop bugging me.