27296.For instance(例えば)for example
What would you do, for instance, if you were in my shoes?
27297.beef up(強化する)to improve something or make it more interesting, more important etc
We need to beef up our promotion for our new product.
27298.artifect(人工物、工芸品、芸術品) an object such as a tool, weapon etc that was made in the past and is historically important
There are some ancient artifact that could fetch good price on the illegal market.
What would you do, for instance, if you were in my shoes?
27297.beef up(強化する)to improve something or make it more interesting, more important etc
We need to beef up our promotion for our new product.
27298.artifect(人工物、工芸品、芸術品) an object such as a tool, weapon etc that was made in the past and is historically important
There are some ancient artifact that could fetch good price on the illegal market.
27299.fetch(商品がある値で売れる、よい値を呼ぶ. )to be sold for a particular amount of money, especially at a public sale – used especially in news reports
The painting is expected to fetch at least $20 million.
27300.hack(コンピューターシステム・データなどに不法に侵入し改変[盗用]する,ハックする )to secretly find a way of getting information from someone else’s computer or changing information on it
The files hacked from my computer were not so important.
27300.hack(コンピューターシステム・データなどに不法に侵入し改変[盗用]する,ハックする )to secretly find a way of getting information from someone else’s computer or changing information on it
The files hacked from my computer were not so important.