恋の予感(koi no yokan) 安全地帯
27291.thread(手芸用、編み物に使う糸)a long thin string of cotton, silk etc used to sew or weave cloth
Workers weave thread into beautiful shirts.
27292.string(手芸に使う太めの糸)a strong thread made of several threads twisted together, used for tying or fastening things → rope
She undid the string round the parcel.
27293.surroundings(誰かや何かがいる場所。住んでいる条件)the objects, buildings, natural things etc that are around a person or thing at a particular time
I'm averse to such noisy surroundings.
Workers weave thread into beautiful shirts.
27292.string(手芸に使う太めの糸)a strong thread made of several threads twisted together, used for tying or fastening things → rope
She undid the string round the parcel.
27293.surroundings(誰かや何かがいる場所。住んでいる条件)the objects, buildings, natural things etc that are around a person or thing at a particular time
I'm averse to such noisy surroundings.
27294.averse((…を)嫌って、(…に)反対して)formal unwilling to do something or not liking something
Jim is averse to using chemicals in the garden.
27295.circumstances(状況を現状のままにする事実または出来事)the conditions that affect a situation, action, event etc
The act was justified by the circumstances.
27295.circumstances(状況を現状のままにする事実または出来事)the conditions that affect a situation, action, event etc
The act was justified by the circumstances.