


2021年08月11日 | Daily Vocabulary

We start here in Tokyo, where the opening ceremony of the long-awaited Tokyo Olympics is underway. The Games were postponed by one year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Under strict antivirus measures, more than 11,000 athletes from about 200 countries and territories are streaming in to compete in a record 33 sports.
The ceremony started with a performance dedicated to athletes, who pushed themselves to the limit despite the pandemic.
The athletes wore face masks and were told to keep social distance as they marched.
A team made up of refugees is participating in the Summer Games for the second time, following Rio de Janeiro.
The ceremony and most of the competitions are being held without spectators. The number of officials attending the opening ceremony was reduced to about 950.

stream in   流れ込む、どんどん押し寄せる、大勢が次々にやってくる    
push oneself to the limit     自分の限界まで頑張る 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/11)

2021年08月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
27286.It happens(よくある / ありがち)
Don't worry, it always happens. Just restart it. 
27287.(It's a) common (よくある〜 / 一般的な〜) happening often and to many people or in many places OPP rare
Yamada is a common last name in Japan. 
27288.wholesome (健康によい、健康そうな)  likely to make you healthy
It was all good wholesome tasty food. 
27289.serviceable(使える、役に立つ、じょうぶな、実用向きの)ready or able to be used 類義語 usable 
The ale is a serviceable beer, full-bodied and tasty. 
27290.shiitake mushrooms(椎茸)
These shiitake mushrooms would make a delicious side dish.