ベートーヴェン 交響曲第6番「田園」第1楽章 Op.68
27366.throaty(しゃがれた、野太い)a throaty laugh, cough, voice etc sounds low and rough
My dad let out a big, throaty laugh at his own joke.
27367.hairy(ぼさぼさな、とても危険な)a hairy person or animal has a lot of hair on their body/dangerous or frightening, often in a way that is exciting
A big fight suddenly broke out, and I knew I was in hairy situation
27368.apprentice(見習い) someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skill or job
I'm going to work as an apprentice chef.
My dad let out a big, throaty laugh at his own joke.
27367.hairy(ぼさぼさな、とても危険な)a hairy person or animal has a lot of hair on their body/dangerous or frightening, often in a way that is exciting
A big fight suddenly broke out, and I knew I was in hairy situation
27368.apprentice(見習い) someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skill or job
I'm going to work as an apprentice chef.
27369.training wheels(補助輪)a small wheel that is fastened to the back of a young child’s bicycle to make it more steady 類義語 stabilizer British English
My niece can ride a bike with training wheels..
27370.kickstand(スタンド)a thin piece of metal on the bottom of a bicycle or motorcycle that supports it in an upright position when it is not moving
I forgot to put my kickstand down.
27370.kickstand(スタンド)a thin piece of metal on the bottom of a bicycle or motorcycle that supports it in an upright position when it is not moving
I forgot to put my kickstand down.