

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/26)

2021年08月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
27361.no choice but to(~する以外に選択肢がない)
I found myself in a situation where I had no choice but to quit my job. 
27362.go on first date(初めてデートする )
That's the place when we went on our first date , remember?
27363.nosy(せんさく好きな、お節介な ) always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people’s private affairs
Stop being so nosy!
27364.throw on(急いで身につける、羽織る)to put on a piece of clothing quickly and carelessly 
She threw her jacket on and ran out the door. 
27365.mouthy(おしゃべりで無礼な口をきく)someone who is mouthy talks a lot and says what they think even if it is rude
 My little brother is pretty mouthy, but he's harmless.