


2021年08月04日 | 爺英語

Japan's government predicts solar power will be the cheapest source of electricity in under a decade – even cheaper than nuclear.
This would mainly be thanks to the falling prices of solar panels.
The forecast was announced by the industry ministry on Monday. It estimated the costs of power generation in 2030, assuming new plants will be built.
The ministry says the cost of solar power for businesses would be around eight to 11 yen per kilowatt-hour.
Nuclear power would be a bit more than that. Thermal power from liquefied natural gas would cost around 10 to 14 yen. Coal-fired power would be the most expensive, as high as 22 yen per kilowatt-hour.
An estimate done six years ago found nuclear power to be the cheapest, but growing safety costs have pushed prices up.
Ministry officials say different forms of power generation need to be maintained because electricity from solar fluctuates widely, depending on the weather.

in under a decade  10年未満で   
thermal     熱の relating to or caused by heat 
fluctuate   変動する、上下する  if a price or amount fluctuates, it keeps changing and becoming higher and lower 類義語 vary

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/04)

2021年08月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
27251.elaborate(詳しく述べる)to give more details or new information about something
Could you elaborate a bit more? 
27252.brick(煉瓦 ) a hard block of baked clay used for building walls, houses etc
For people used to brick and tiles, this is a concept worth explaining thoroughly. 
27253.thigh(太もも) the top part of your leg, between your knee and your hip
I need to stretch my thigh. 
27254.calf/calves(脹脛)he part of the back of your leg between your knee and your ankle 
My calves don't hurt anymore.. 
27255.short of breath(息切れして)to be unable to breathe easily, especially because you are unhealthy
 I'm a little short of breath