

Daily Vocabulary(2021/08/19)

2021年08月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
27326.pharmacist(薬剤師) someone whose job is to prepare medicines in a shop or hospital 類義語chemist
I waited while the pharmacist makes up my prescription. 
27327.diet(日常の(飲)食物、(治療・体重調節などのための)規定食、特別食、ダイエット、食餌(しよくじ)療法、食事制限、(デンマーク・スウェーデン・ハンガリー・日本などの)国会、議会) a way of eating in which you only eat certain foods, in order to lose weight, or to improve your health/the kind of food that a person or animal eats each day
It's never too late to improve your diet.  
27328.ginseng(チョウセンニンジン) medicine made from the root of a Chinese plant, that some people think keeps you young and healthy
There is no sound evidence of Ginseng inducing harmful side effects. 
27329.longevity(長生き、長命、寿命、生涯)the amount of time that someone or something lives /long life or the long time that something lasts 
The longevity flower people say , is today's ginseng. 
27330.entice((…を)そそのかして(…)させる)to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere, usually by offering them something that they want
Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.